Friday, January 6, 2012

Mon Komo

I really, really loved the Fish Bowl in the old Seabrae Hotel.  Now, in it's place stands a proud, shiny new hotel.  I was prepared to stand against change and stomp my gorgeous, heeled feet and not ever go there.  Lucky, I grew up and am now an open-minded, accepting of change and grown up woman.

The new Mon Komo Hotel is gorgeous, sophisticated and classy. You feel like you are on holiday when you walk in. The design is Caribbean influenced and is light and airy. The first things I noticed were the water features and then the amazing lighting. I want the lighting in my house. We went there for breakfast and I am glad we were the first to arrive. The restaurant filled up quickly. The coffee was good and the breakfast was nice. I could have happily sat, drank coffee and read the paper for the entire morning in this relaxing environment.

I think I could also happily drink cocktails all evening in this environment. I think it's time to organise a girls night out to sample a selection.  Who's up for it?
This would be awesome in my entrance.
 This usually comes with salmon on top which was removed and missed out on it's 5 minutes of fame.


  1. I was thinking about visiting Monkomo. I will now. I have been reading your blog for a few weeks and I love all the great information you pass on. I am very happy to have a fun and informative redcliffe blog. Keep it coming. Redcliffe local

  2. Hi Redcliffe local, Thanks for the feedback, it's great to receive it. You'll love Mon Komo. Thanks for visiting and commenting. Rachel xx

  3. Went to the Mon Komo Hotel last Thursday - wow - what a fantastic addtion to Redcliffe - the food was awesome and the atmosphere was electric - I will become a regular!

  4. Hi Anonymous, Mon Komo is fantastic. I love the atmosphere too. It's great to have something of this standard. I'll be there a lot too. Thanks for commenting. Rachel xx
