Wednesday, June 5, 2013

2 Freebies you must hunt down right now!!

I'm not kidding. Attached to two Australian magazines are two awesome freebies that you must own.
First is a fantastic Ginger & Smart scarf. This is attached to the June Bazaar Magazine. There are two graphic prints, I went for the black and white. The scarf is an excellent size. Perfect for wrapping around your neck to keep you warm in winter, or to use as a sarong in summer.
Second, is a cute umbrella by Camilla and Marcs. This is attached to the Marie Claire. As a bonus you can also read "Sexts & the ex: When he turns your pics into Porn" (I hate that). Back to the brolly, this also comes in two prints, I went for the lighter one. A neat size to keep in the back of your car for the surprise showers that always hit at school pickup time. 

I know without a doubt that I'll be heading back to the supermarket to pick up the other scarf and brolly before the week is out.

I'll see you there!


  1. OOOk!!! LOVE those freebies!!! Bazaar does quite good ones. I think they had a Karen Walker necklace or something like that last month. Or the previous month.

    1. I bought both colours, which means, um, two magazines!

  2. Thank you! Love good quality freebies!

  3. Thanks for the heads up! I will be snapping up one of those scarves!

  4. Oh! That scarf is gorgeous. Yup, I'll be hunting that one down. Thanks hun! Fi xx

  5. I love magazine freebies! I bought so many magazines when I lived in the UK because every single one seemed to have a freebie each month :)

  6. I love UK magazines and their freebies - wow, they're amazing!

    I bought the green and blue one, Rachel. Didn't know about the umbrella - think I might just acquire one of those tomorrow. A few editions ago, I bought two magazines so I could have both Karen Walker necklaces. Can't even remember which mag it was!!

  7. How fabo - on it, thanks for the tips!


  8. Thanks so much for the rec, I never would have looked if I hadn't seen this post! I got that umbrella, it's gorgeous.
