Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to take a good license photo

It's hard to take a good photo when you aren't allow to smile. Don't give up, here are a few of my tips for taking the best Driver License photo you can....

Do a few facial exercises to relax your muscles first. It doesn't matter how silly you look, this will pay off.
Don't lift or drop your chin
Posture. Drop your shoulders and have a straight back straight. Everyone looks better with a neck :)
Don't wear too much makeup up. I always think your nicest daytime makeup works best
Don't overload with accessories. Don't get me wrong, I over-accessorise everyday but I find that in photos it can look dated quickly.
Don't try to be sexy. You'll look like an idiot.
Relax. The camera picks up nerves like a guard dog.
and smize like you have never smized before.


  1. I'll have to remember this for my next lot of photos - I always look like a startled bunny or an axe murderer!

  2. last time i had passport photos done i practiced the not-smiling-smile. then he caught me off guard and i got a mugshot that looks like i'm the most miserable git on the planet. oh well! 10 years to practice for the next one! x

  3. That is a lot of selfies! I love that turban, you should totally wear that next time. Turbans never go out of fashion.

  4. What about a cure for lazy eye? I always look like a stoner.
