Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Importance of Eyebrows

It's important that we don't underestimate the importance of our eyebrows. Their original functions were to keep moisture out of our eyes and help communicate emotions. Before Botox they were able to express anger, surprise, deep thought and more.

Eyebrows are a picture frame for the eyes. Well maintained eyebrows make a huge difference to your appearance. Well maintained, doesn't mean the life plucked out of them, it means, neatened, shaped and tinted (if necessary).

Someone close to me had an appointment to see Darryl at Body Bliss for an eyebrow reconstruction and was kind enough to let me tag along. Darryl has many years experience with eyebrows and you can tell. There is a reason she is called the "Brow Doctor".

Now for some examples of people taking their brows into their own hands. If you think you may have problem brows, don't give up hope. There are still things you can do to get back on track. Give the Brow Doctor a call on 3283 3368.
Body Bliss
3283 3368
129 Margate Parade


  1. haha, the photos at the bottom are funny. Great post.

  2. I love this. I am always telling my sister she should stop plucking and see a professional. I have to post this anonymously so she doesn't know this is me. She is a huge fun of your blog.

  3. I am a Beauty therapist...and am passionate about brows. They can flatter and make you look refreshed and youthful when groomed correctly.... :-D or make you look older, crankier and "Hard" My clients come from all over the sunny coast for me to keep their eyebrows groomed...especially if we have had to "reconstruct" after poor treatment. I can be a little bossy and fussy...but It seems to pay off.
