Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I hate repeating myself

My husband has a blog. His is a closed one that only his mum, a few other family members and I can read. It is more like a journal with photos. I make sure I read it regularly so I am up-to-date and can show I am interested in his life. I can ask the right questions when he gets home, put the right emotion on, etc etc. Just another part of being an awesome wife.
As you know, I have a blog too. Mine is a little more open and less journal like. Sometimes I'll talk to my husband about something in my life and he'll be acting like this is new information HUH!!! I wrote about this three days ago. So then I quietly wonder if he ever reads what I write, or is it so uninteresting he forgets immediately. Then I am relieved because he has excellent grammar and I do not. I would hate to think he is mentally correcting each post and marking my work.

It does surprise me when people you are close seem a little uninterested in your life.

I also hate having to repeat myself in real life too. If my kids ask a question, they better be listening for the answer. If I mentioned a lunch date, make a note of it.

I think maybe I just expect too much.

On Tuesdays I link up with Diary of a SAHM


  1. OMG love that pic! So fitting for my hubby! I completely understand how you feel. My hubby doesn't have a blog & up until recently didn't often read mine. I surreptitiously email subscribed him so he's got no excuse now ;P

    When it comes to kids I am ALWAYS repeating myself. Drives me insane.

  2. Mum: Why, what happened on the weekend?

    Yep. But at least then I can (usually) write what I want without repercussions.

  3. For a brief period hubs read my blog but I think he has stopped now. I don't think anyone in my family reads me. I always surprises me too when friends in the real world say they have stopped by

  4. Nee Say, the kids drive me crazy. After they ask the same question (that I have answered each time), I just say no, I can't answer this anymore.

    Blundermum, It would be fun to not worry about repercussions. I worry waayyy to much considering no-one really reads it. haha

    Rhianna, How could your family not read it. Maybe I am too nosey but if someone I was close to was blogging, I would be stalking it daily.

    Rachel x

  5. True! Mr. Mandie often makes a comment like, "What are you doing, working on your little bloggie again?"


  6. Haha, little bloggie, if only he knew how much time and effort a little bloggie took. Rx

  7. My mother reads both of my blogs. My diet one is 'kind of' anonymous... but it irks me that my closest friends seem to NEVER read my public blog. They've never commented or even said something on FB about it.


  8. He he. Rings so true with me. Love that picture - nabbing it to email to my husband :-)

  9. Ah my hubby never reads my blog either - he is of the mindset "if it's important, you'll tell me" haha!


  10. Hi Deb, maybe your friends read it but just don't want to tell you. Little secret stalkers.

    Chantel, it made me giggle too. Since my husband won't see it here on the blog, I should email it to him too. :)

    Hello Mica, What is it with these men? I guess they want to feel more important than our readers. An ego thing probably lol.

    Rachel x

  11. Hub has never really read my blog, but as it is aimed at Aussie Christian women, I guess I can forgive him.

    Lately people in our church etc keep saying how much they like my Friday Files posts (where I blog about my experiences as an abused child of a mentally ill parent, and my subsequent issues and path to health and wholeness) ... and he had no clue what they were talking about! So I have started sending him the link each Friday.

    He can't understand why I want to talk about this "stuff" as it is so far in the past and I am doing so well now ... he said it makes it seem that I still have huge problems, and he knows first hand that I don't! But as I explained to him, probably 90% of these posts I wrote many many years ago as therapy for myself, I've never shared them before.

    I am enjoying being able to "speak freely" about my experiences for the first time. I also think I've made him understand that my purpose is primarily to help others deal with their baggage, and to know that they are not alone.

    He also can't understand why I put so much of myself "out there" - he is a much more private person than I am. But that's just me :-)

    Well this comment is so long I should probably turn it into a blog post myself! LOL

  12. Hi Footprints, It's great that you can talk/write about those things. I think that once you get use to writing, the list of things you will write about seem to increase. I think it's great for you and other people what you are writing about. Rachel x

  13. I make the mistake of expecting boatman to have read my blog when it was only posted 10 minutes ago, ALL the time.
    I need to remember that he actually does have a life :)

    I think it's more a girl thing though to want to read there's. Maybe it's because we women are so extraordinary! ;)

  14. Hello Jess, I agree that it must be a woman thing. I can't believe you give him a full ten minutes to read it. 5 should suffice. :) Rachel x

  15. The mister only reads mine if I force him to read a post. I think anyway... I hate repeating myself too, damn men not being as aware and on the ball as we expect them to be!

  16. Mr Bond only recently found out I even have a blog so I was constantly having to repeat myself, I find it worse when I forget that people I know IRL read it and they make a comment about a post next time I see them, I feel stupidly exposed or something :)

  17. Ames, If I forced my husband, he would only notice the mistakes. I am not sure I would but him or me through that. Why can't they be more like us!

    Hi Erin, I know what you mean. It's funny when people comment on your life because they read it. I want people to read it, but then you do have a moment when you wonder why you are opening it all up.

    Rachel x

  18. my hubbie reads my blog but my bestie doesnt.. the other day a group of friends was talking about a post.. she had no idea what it was all about lol!!

  19. When I started my blog - only my hubby knew I was writing one.. I started telling a few friends and family members.. and they all looked at me like I was wasting my time. Now that the blog has becoming a little bigger, they have noticed a bit more.. but still criticise what I do. Yet they haven't made any effort to look at it.. at all. This is why I kept it secret when I started.. wish I hadn't said anything.
