Thursday, August 2, 2012

Jamie Fraser v. Christian Grey

Jamie Fraser v.  Christian Grey

As I bite my lower lip I hesitate to write this. I haven't read 50 Shades of Grey but I have read Cross Stitch so I am not completely qualified to give an opinion, but I will.

I believe that Jamie Fraser from Cross Stitch would kick Christian Grey's perverted pasty butt.

Jamie is a huge, manly man of a mountain of a smouldering scotchman that loves intensely and fights hard for what he believes.
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Christian is a billionaire with loads of baggage that likes to smack and have hard sex with innocent ladies.
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Jamie would beat down that door, punch Christian, untie the innocent dame (or Sassenach), throw her over his massive muscly, manly, sweaty shoulder and take her away (Christian will probably be quite turned on by this). She might be kicking and screaming at this point but eventually she will be begging and pleading for him. And he will love her AND make love to her.

Yep, Team Jamie.

Which team would you pick or would you pick someone entirely different?

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  1. Team Jamie, all the way! I've been in love with him for over ten years, and while I had a short and dirty fling with Christian recently, I'll always go back to Jamie (hanging out for the next book to come out!)

    1. My heart will always belong to Jamie. I hope they make a movie soon. I have only made it to the forth book and had to put it down. I should pick it up again. Or just read the first one again. Rx

    2. The rights to the books have just been bought and its in the pipeline for a mini series. Ron Moore (who directed the new Battlestar) is doing it for Sony Pictures. Very excited. Diana Gabaldon also just wrote an article on how to write sex scenes and I feel the author of 50 shades could totally benefit

    3. The mini series will be awesome. I am going to read that article now :)

  2. Jamie. Always Jamie. I was telling a girlfriend all about him yesterday.

  3. I haven't read either!

    But for the sake of this blog post, I'll pick Jamie :)

  4. TEAM JAMIE!!! Yay I am team Jamie all the way. I am currently re reading book no 5 and Jamie is by my estimation about 50years old and he still beats Christian Grey. I am a die hard fan of the series, so much so that my husband calls the books my áffair' books and sighs about how he could never compete :) I say we could always move to Scotland and he could try and take on some of the accent. I read 50 Shades, mainly cause I don't like to be left out of a conversation and will read anything that's making its way into popular culture.

    I read all three books and every time I read about Ana's inner goddess gyrating I nearly split my sides laughing and nearly threw my ipad out the window at the thousandth time she described Christian as mercurial. But they were like reading a dolly magazine, easy, immature but certainly a quick read - it made me turn straight back to old faithful Jamie though and hang out even more for the 8th book - bring on 2013.

    1. I have read the first 3 books and I am a total Jamie fan. That is a real man! Rachel x

  5. I haven't read Cross Stitch and haven't heard about it before now! Where have I been? Even without reading it, I know I'm team Jamie because CG is an oddball in my opinion...

    1. You really should get your hands on Cross Stitch. Everyone I know that has read it, loved it. CG is a complete nutter. Rachel x

  6. I haven't read either and I feel really left out! I actually haven't read anything (other then Dr Seuss or The Very Hungry Caterpillar) in ages and I really really need to change that.

    1. Haha, I know how you feel. For a while I was only reading blogs or children's books. Rachel x

    2. lol iSophie you made me laugh!

  7. I am all for Jamie. I tried to read Fifity shades of Grey but could not finish it. I am with the person who said Jamie would break through the door and rescue the woman.
    With Jamie it would be passion and love making. Who would want a self obsessed man like christian.

    1. Yes, I agree with everything you said. Go Team Jamie!

  8. Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. Now he's a man!! And if Chris Hemsworth was playing him in a movie..........hang on I think I need a cold shower :)

    1. Yes, I think he would be a great Jamie. I wonder if the red hair will suit him?

  9. Oh, Team Jamie all the way. Dinna fash, lass. I don't have a lash! ;)

  10. I see Jamie Fraser as a young red haired Liam Neeson.

  11. I'm a George Clooney girl myself.

    1. He is very very nice too. I think I have a better chance with Jamie than with George. That's sad because one is real and the other fictional. :)

  12. Whoever hasn't read the Cross Stitch series, needs to put down 50 Shades of Grey, and run, not walk to their local bookshop - and get on the Jamie bandwagon!!

    Can you tell I'm Team Jamie?!? Lol

    I have read both series, and although I did enjoy 50 Shades (after a brief battle with myself to keep reading the first book), Christian will just never be the man that Jamie is...

    1. No-one will ever be the man Jamie is! Yes, they need to RUN to the bookstore. :)

  13. Ok so right now I feel like I live a little under a rock as I am not sure who any of these people are. I have vaguely heard a bit about those 50 Shades but that's about it. Regardless though give me that man with the long hair and gorgeous smouldering eyes

  14. Goes off to Google Jamie Fraser cross stitch....

  15. I've only just finished the 50 shades of grey books and I loved them and so if they are not as good as the cross stitch books I know what I'm going to be reading this weekend!!! Thank you for giving me new books to read!!

    1. These are really big books. Don't be deterred by the size, they are worth it. Rachel x

  16. I am very confused by this post, but I see lots of pictures of handsome men, so it doesn't really matter. :)

    1. That's pretty much what I was going to write too!! I haven't read either, but enjoyed the photos :-)

  17. im team Gerard Butler heeheehee.. my friend was reading cross stitch in high school.. the teacher grabbed it off her desk and started reading it out loud.. sounded pretty intense lol!! havent read it myself though ;)

    1. That would be been so humiliating and funny. I can't believe it didn't make you want to read it after listening to the reading. Rx

  18. I haven't read either but I trust bloggers and 99.9% of bloggers don't hold CG in very much I guess it's Team Jamie for me?

    1. I don't know much about CG, but he sounds pretty messed up. Rx

  19. I've never heard of Cross Stitch either but am about to google it - thanks!

    1. I only discovered it last year. I wonder why it took me so long. :)

  20. Just finished reading 50 Shades. Now I think I'll have to read Cross Stitch. For cross referencing purposes only...of course :)

  21. I have not ever heard of Jamie or Cross Stitch but I would pick Jamie because Christian is a tool. And I wouldn't bite your lip if I were you, or ... well, you know. Or maybe you don't. I'm team Chris (Hemsworth)

    1. Haha, yes I agree, no lip bitting because it's meant to be irresistible. Rx

  22. I'm sorry? I forgot what the question was when I saw Chris Hemsworth! What was the post about again....haven't read either, I too am in kids storybook land.

    1. Yes, he is pretty distracting. I am a little over all the kids stories now. I am glad they can now read to themselves. Rx

  23. I love this post! I'm a huge Cross Stitch fan and have the world's hugest ficitional character crush on Jamie... I texted a friend when I started reading 50 Shades, and all she texted back was 'Jamie Fraser > Christian Grey.' She's right!

    1. I completely understand your fictional crush and times it by 2. He is the best romantic lead character. Rx

  24. OMG! I nearly squealed when I read this title. I don't know many people who have read Diana Gabaladon and here you are writing about Jamie Fraser. I have read the entire series and am halfway through the final 50 shades book. I consider myself completely qualified to 100% agree with you that Jamie kicks Christians f-d up butt. If I was Ana I would have kicked that guy to the kerb a LONG time ago. Still, I can't stop reading it :P

    1. Hahaha, I am glad I am not the only one that has read them. I have only read 3 and a bit Cross Stitch books but I am ready to take on the fourth again. Rx
