Friday, August 10, 2012

The Olympic package

I have been watching the Olympics. I love the track and field.

Last night I was watching the men's relay semi-final with my husband. I love the argy bargy (the commentators say this a lot, it must be the English air) when they passed the baton. Men's relay is a contact sport.

When watching the slow mo afterwards I noticed a few things:
1. You pull very unattractive faces when running; and
2. Those crotches certainly move about a bit. The flimsy fabric of their running shorts isn't keeping any secrets. The lighter colours are the worst.

I mentioned this to my husband. He thinks it's just me. Is it?

PS: Because I am such a lady, I have decided not to attach photos of men's crotches. Here is a photo of a bunny instead.


  1. I didn't notice it, but I do believe you! Zanni x

    1. Thanks for visiting and commenting Zanni. Rachel x

  2. Thank you for sparing me the photo...I hadn't noticed either.


  3. Yes I may have noticed the crotches as well. I did notice how contact it was though, I can't believe they are able to push each other like that

    1. Thanks Rhianna, I was beginning to think it was only me and my dirty mind. Rx

  4. You should look up old running videos of Matt Shervington - ill never forget the 2000 Olympics because of him!!!

    1. Haha, I remember that too. He had a huge following that year and I think a lot had to do with his shorts. Rx

  5. There's plenty of photos around for those of us who missed it ;) I'm not sure it's a very attractive look, but then again, I'm sure they don't have any trouble picking up around the village...

    1. We have all heard stories about the olympic village, so I am sure your right. Rachel x

  6. How can you not notice?!? Lol. Especially when they replay in slo-mo!

    P.S. Found you through #FYBF :)

    1. The slow mo is very distracting Rx

      Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  7. Gosh, I'm dissapointed I missed it on TV! Cute bun-bun though.
    LOVE the new page fonts!

    1. I am so glad you mentioned the fonts. I like it so much better :)

  8. I can't stop looking at what's going on downstairs, I don't want to, but it's just a little mesmerizing.

    ~ Jodi

  9. Cacking myself over here! I was wondering where the bunny fitted in.
    No, it's not just you. I find that my eyes are kind of 'drawn' to that region! As you say, those outfits don't hide much. The whites and yellows look downright dirty (if you don't mind me saying so)! :)

  10. Definitely not just you! I was gob-smacked at the ol' tackle box situation going on in their pants. I mentioned to my hubby too and he said "they're faces are up here" (pointing above his neck). But seriously - that bobbing about is very distracting. We also noted that one of the male divers the other day had a whole lot more going on that bobbing tackle ... his was a little too "firm" to bob. In speedos and all. Let's just say that diving must be seriously exciting stuff!

    1. Haha, It is really distracting. I missed the divers but your description cracked me up. Rx

  11. I try not to look at the tv, and just listen to the commentary. Better uniforms next time please chaps!

    1. They really need to put more thought into it. But I think some of them really like the showcasing of their bodies. Rx

  12. Damn! I missed it! Will be tuning in over the weekend to see what I can see! Hehe :)

  13. You always manage to make me giggle! xx

  14. ha ha, I know I try to stop myself looking at it. but it is hard.x

  15. Bwahahahaha! Hilarious! And mainly because I thought it was just me checking out what was going on down there! But you are more game than me. I haven't discussed it with my husband :)
    P.S Cute bunny ;)

    1. Whenever my husband and I watch the track and field at the moment we repeat to ourselves/each other "Just think about bunnies" :)

  16. So true! And to think they used to compete in the Olympics nude :)

  17. Hahaha now I'm sorry I've missed the relays, did you see the pics of the bronze winners in the mens 4x rowing? That's a shocker...oh my eyes, my eyes :)

  18. Lol I don't think those track and field uniforms leave much to the imagination. One radio station was discussing a pole vaulter and how well endowed he was...

    1. Really? Wow, I wonder what the pole vaulter would have thought :)

  19. I haven't watched lately, but: Matt Shervington. Mesmerizing.

  20. We live near the Bay Run, where loads of people run and walk. Every time I drive past, I think most of the girls need to invest in better bras. All very well and good to get fit, but saggy boobs are not a good look.

    Do you think the men need padded support underwear?! The mind boggles. Yes, I saw some of those pictures. Just kept thinking of the deli counter for some reason. ;)

    *think of bunnies*

    1. Then they will be looking for the biggest padding :)

      Yes, there are lots of runners around my area and the unsupportive bra is a big one. I wouldn't be able to run with that discomfort. Rx

  21. I told my husband and he thought it was silly of me to notice. I told my daughter and she said I was a pervert. Glad to know other women noticed it to. I guess they don't sport jock straps anymore too much chafing. I would think all that movement is distracting...

    1. I would be very distracting. I notice that it must have been cold for a few nights there too :)

  22. Haha - I do love the pic of the bunny! A great way to divert the mind from those wobbly bits...

    When they do the super slow mo on the faces of the runners - that really had me agog - the face is such a weird thing!

    1. Haha, it really is. I am been trying to run using my poker face :)

  23. Ba ha ha ha ha totes agree with you girl.

    Love the picture of the bunny ... very self-controlled of you, when you could have had a picture of sausages, or nuts, or something like that ... OMG I crack myself up ...

    1. Haha. they would have been excellent. I really should have. Rx

      PS: You crack me up too.
