Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I think school holidays broke me

After weeks of rushing around, planning and writing. Last night and today, I have sat in front of my computer, looked through my drafts and nothing has come into my head. My fingers are sitting across the keyboard like flacid little sausages.

It looks like school holidays have broken me.

It took 2 weeks of lounging around in pyjamas, watching kids movies and running around parks. Now, I have to try to remember how to be an adult again.

I need to find real clothes, start watching the clock and remember how to apply make up. Being an adult sucks the big one.

In the meantime, I have a couple of sets of the new hit BBC1 series "Call the Midwife" to give away. It was on the blog yesterday, in case you missed it, you can find it here.

On Tuesdays I link up with IBOT 


  1. School holidays broke me too. I came out the other end of them 37 weeks pregnant, about to finish up at work and just EXHAUSTED! I want more holidays.

  2. I have a bit of that - first time in 2 weeks I could get on computer, and I had an article to write and I couldn't think of anything - just put it in the too hard basket....but the hols are worth it. I had the disappointment of planning a day of archery, only to discover at 8.30 on Sunday night that school was back on the Monday, not the Tuesday as I thought. Lots of disappointment all round. Bad Mummy!

  3. Yeah those holidays can be hard work sometimes can't they? Ours only went for a week, not nearly long enough. Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses

  4. Oh tell me about it!! I struggled to get up this morning to take my daughter to school :(

    1. I totally understand. The morning rush is so hard to get back into.

  5. ugh... how annoying is being an adult huh, I agree!! xx

  6. every day is a school holiday for me atm.. its getting the energy to get up, showered and out of those pjs!


  7. We haven't made it to school on time yet ;O)
    Tania xx

  8. They so break me too. I kind of like it when school goes back :)

  9. I don't have school holidays to deal with yet, but I do need a kick up the bum Every.Single.Day to dress in something without holes and spew and make sure I have done my makeup. :) pyjama days rock!!!!!

  10. We're still on holidays here. Hope I don't break!

  11. Oh the school holidays DEFINITELY broke me ;) I'm so relieved we're back to normal routine here.

  12. How are you guys going to cope over Christmas? My dread is creeping in already

    1. Summer is better, because you can lounge around the pool all day. The kids are distracted. Rx

  13. Me too. I'm not happy they are back though cause It means no more sleep ins till 9:30 lol. Yeah I'm lucky I know.

    1. I wish we had sleep ins. My girls wake up at 5.30am.

  14. My two smallest aren't at school yet, and THEY'RE breaking me, so I can't wait.

  15. Good to give yourself a little time off every now & again. Sounds like you were broken in a good way :)

  16. Love school holidays - not only because I get time with my teenager but also perhaps because I am a teacher.

  17. Oh my little ones aren't at school yet but I'm already looking forward to the holidays when they are :) It sounds like you've had a great time :)

  18. I went to work every few days just to stop myself going insane. It worked wonders xx

    1. Yes it would. Pity my work is from home - no escape :)

  19. I absolutely adored them ... Going back to my old routine is what I find exhausting ...

  20. I loved the holidays, and didn't realise how exhausted I was until Sunday night. My son's friend (from the other side of the country) came to stay with us, increasing our family to four kids for two weeks. Thankfully the kids were able to get themselves up and occupied in the mornings. I'm not a morning person, so getting organised for school drop-offs are always a rude shock for me after a few weeks of not really having to be anywhere for a set time.

    1. Extra people makes it harder. You always have to be 'on'

  21. I know from the teacher-mum view that school holidays are both of mix of fun and boredom. It takes money to go out..and then it costs more (it seems) to feed them at home. BUT..before you know it, they'll be out of your hair, and your house, and you will be thinking " gee I miss those days"
    True that!
    Denyse xx

    1. I know, I don't have any 'play money' so the girls are trying to find fun things to do at home. Rx

  22. Oh I love the holidays too! But I look at them from the perspective of a teacher - no lesson planning, marking, parents to deal with or playground duty! Three poppets is easier than a class - although - sometimes they are harder!!

  23. I have a few more days left before my girls go back. I'm looking forward to less bickering, but will really miss those lazy mornings.

  24. I'm broken, too, but I can't blame school holidays...
