Sunday, October 21, 2012

Make up: Before & after and the Awards roundup

The Quest awards were last Friday night and I had my very good friend and extremely talented Rebecca Kate come over for an afternoon of makeup, giggles and champagne. Is there any better way to spend an afternoon? Errr, no.

One of the many reasons I love hanging out with Bec is because she knows all the tips and tricks about makeup and is always happy to educate me. A few months ago she shared her top 10 makeup products. You must check this list out. She has recently discovered Arbonne products and was keen to show them off. The foundation is amazing. It has great coverage and didn't feel 'makeupy'.

I wanted my makeup to be all about the eyes and soft n' pinky everywhere else. Just over an hour later with slick eyeliner, lashes of lashes and my almost 40 year old skin looking dewy and fresh. I felt amazing and ready to rock the awards.
Before and after
The Awards

Some notes from the night:

  1. I didn't win. Michel's Patisserie won my category. Congratulations to them and I hope they have many happy and successful years making spinach rolls
  2. Chocolate makes me almost as happy as winning
  3. Don't make silly promises. I had promised to thank "Jodi and Andrea" in my speech and do the caterpillar. I am not one to back out of a promise, but I do an awesome caterpillar
  4. Don't accept silly dares. I was dared by someone (my sister, Kerrin) to put a sticker on the Mayor's back. After stalking him for 15 minutes common sense took over. It was either that, or my drink was empty
  5. You can't eat too much finger food
  6. My great friend Toni from Beautiful You won for best Beauty Services. They really deserve the win

Rebecca lives on the Northside of Brisbane, does weddings, events, workshops, individual lessons and more. You can find her on facebook at


  1. Being nominated in such a new and untangible field such as blogging is a credit indeed...and sounds like you made it a memorable night. Make up looked lovely..nice to have an excuse to glam up :-)

  2. Ooo la la! You look gorgeous! Amazing what a bit of make up can do! Looks like you had a great night even if Michel's Patisserie stole your thunder :) There's always next year! Now start practising those spinach rolls...

    Sophie xo

    1. Yes, that's a great idea. I'll certainly win next year with that plan

  3. Rach, you crack me up ... and you're a winner in my eyes x

  4. Just to be nom-nommed (to quote Big Brother) is pretty darn special I think!!!! And it looks like you went with the silver skirt???? Beautiful!!!

    1. Yes, I went with that skirt. I'm glad I did. I loved it!

  5. Great photos! It looks like a good nite and you look lovely.

  6. Looking gorgeous- great idea to do before and after photos. Loving the makeup! Hope you had a great night- despite being topped by a spinach roll. ;)

    1. I was pretty thrilled that I remembered to take photos too

  7. Your make up looks beautiful! I'm with Dideejane, I think it's groundbreaking that a blog was nominated for such a mainstream award. Bravo!!
    I wish you had of flushed the mayors head. Really, no one would have noticed and I'm sure many would have applauded.

  8. You looked fab and it sounds like you had a fun night. You are a winner in our eyes! x

  9. Yep totally a winner in our eyes and that after shot is just stunning! Go you

  10. Love the before md after shot! You looked fab!
    I may be slightly biased, but I think you should have won!
