Monday, March 18, 2013


I might be good at nothing lots of things, but I can not for the life of me remember names. Even if you told me your name 2 minutes ago, I would have forgotten already. I'll remember other things, like the perfume you were wearing, funny things you said and even the wine you were drinking but never your name.
I know the tricks to remember but they don't seem to work for me.

Make up a rhyme
Hi John (Long shlong John, Long schlong John, Long shlong John). All I will remember is that for some reason I know that this man has a long shlong.

Repeat it often when first told
"Hello Catherine, Do you bring your children here often Catherine, I love your hair Cathleen, Sorry my phone is ringing I have to get this Katlhmumhummubble".

Write it down
That won't look weird at all. So wait until it doesn't look so weird, open your phone's notes and write a little description. I did this when the girls started school, swimming, dancing lessons, etc. all at the same time. So many names, places and faces. But if you don't record it quick enough, your notes will look a little like this

- Megan (mum of Britney in dancing). Long black hair, great smile.
- Blonde swimming mum, loves shoes, has noisy kid that can't swim.
- Frizzy brunette, loud laugh, 5 kids.
- friendly, lady near pool.

I am awesome with faces.

How are you with names?


  1. This made me laugh! I have tried doing all of these things, with very similar results. And also, for some reason, I too tend to choose the most inappropriate rhyme/nickname/description I can think of, which leaves me just thinking about the rhyme/nickname/description, not at all about the name.

  2. I am a random fact generator but names elude me. I will be introduced to "Kate" who will tell me about her morning of how they were almost cut off by a red 70 year old gofer driver with a checkered flag and green pants and black ray bans but the name "Kate" I will not remember.

    1. Hahaha, you would be great on trivia nights but you won't remember your team mates names :)

  3. Pretty crap also!! But I've also heard repeating it helps!

  4. I'm very bad with names, which is a terrible thing because I work in a real people-centric job. I work at an event, meet dozens of people and then don't see them for months. They remember my name but I don't remember theirs. Made more annoying because my name is so simple to remember; 'B'.
    I do find that repetition can help or introducing them to other people. But generally, if i forget a name, I just ask again. Saves a lot of awkwardness!

    1. Upfront is best - unless you have left it too long

  5. Hilarious! I am abysmal at this too. Even when I came back to work after mat leave, there are people I've known for years and I am struggling with their names all over again.

  6. Chuckling ... I'm so good at faces/names I still recognise people I went to school with over 30 years ago. But, I no longer say hello or anything because they all look at me weirdly and wonder who the heck I am. Surely I haven't changed that much??!

    1. You are great to remember names and faces. I wish I knew your tricks x

  7. This makes me panicky sometimes. I have the feeling I'm going to call certain people the wrong name, because for some reason I think that name doesn't suit them.
    Lisa x

    1. It's hard when you think they don't suit their name. You want to call them their 'real' name not the one they think it is

  8. I am so rubbish with names, great with faces and the details but names are just my downfall - I can remember the oddest details about peoples lives but I have people who I have known for years without remembering their names - I live in fear of having to introduce them to someone!

    1. I always start with a "Hi, do you two know each other?" and usually they fill in the blanks :)
