Friday, March 15, 2013

How to disguise a chunky butt

When I was a young teenager, I was a teeny size 8 and sometimes smaller. I wasted too much time and energy worrying about the size of my bum. I thought it was too big and I disguised it by tying a jumper around my waist. This was not the smartest decision. Not only did it bring attention to my most disliked area, it added bulk. Derr.

I still waste too much time thinking about my bum size, but here are some of my new techniques for disguising it:

1. Start with a good base. Get some good undies. You need to find ones that don't ride up or cut your butt cheeks in half. With a smooth line, the job is half done.
2. Baggy clothes don't hide bulk. It's important to wear clothes that are the right size.
3. A-line skirts. The A stands for Awesome.
4. Bring attention to your favourite body bits. Wear a belt to show off your hour glass, a lower neck line to flaunt your awesome bust or sleeveless tops to show off your guns.
5. Heels. Throwing on a pair of heels make your bottom look smaller and higher.
6. Accept that bums are hawt. Thanks to Beyonce we can now embrace and flaunt. I love seeing a proud bum. I have to resist spanking it.
7. I love longer line cardigans or jackets. They can skim and hide many flaws.
8. Run your arse off - literally. Get moving.

And at all costs.....avoid these shorts.
Image source
What's your problem area and how do you disguise it?


  1. OMG Those shorts are terrible. Who made them? Good tips especially the belt & heels tip, I should use them more.

    1. I have blocked the designers name from my memory. The worst shorts EVER!

  2. Bring back the bustle I say! I wouldn't need to buy one, I have it built in.

    1. I just wore a skirt on the weekend with a little bustle. I'd love it if they came back too :)

  3. YIKES! What percentage of the population COULD wear those shorts? 1%? All the models in the world? My problem area is my tummy, no matter how much working out and running I do. I just love junk food too much!

    1. It's the food that gets me too. Doesn't matter how much I run, food is just too yummy.

  4. They are um....interesting shorts. Wonder if they sold many? I tend to always wear dark colours on the bottom half as well in an attempt to disguise the size of my butt.

    1. I'd be surprised if they even sold one pair. Dark colours are excellent.

  5. My butt h never worried me really. My thighs as a kid, but never my butt. I've always been secure in that.
    These days it's the loose skin that sits on my hips that is not my favourite thing. Especially cause I love hipsters and hat anything to sit on my waist.

    1. It's funny the thing we decide to focus on. Your thighs are great!

  6. Love your tips!!! And luckily I dont own those shorts too!!! ;)

  7. I actually quite like my butt! My tum on the other hand ...

    Those shorts are quite the most revolting thing I have ever seen.

  8. Holy mother of god. Those shorts.

  9. I would love more of a shapely bum - mine is rather flat. Instead I have a belly and that's definitely not a great thing to flaunt or shake! Em x

    1. Mine to too shapely, I wish I could share some of it with you :)

  10. Oh, those shorts! Wow!
    And you're right about running. My butt's changed shape in a good way... since I started training!

  11. Haha! Those shorts! Oh dear. All good advice. :D
