Monday, May 6, 2013

5 Clothes shopping tips

I have spent a little time shopping for clothes and I have decided it's time to share a few of my clothes shopping tips.

1. Go with your gut. You know how you feel when you first looked in the mirror. Your body language gives away a lot too. Are you hunching or standing tall?
2. Go shopping wearing clothes that are comfortable and are easy to whip on and off. Also wear flattering undies and bras. You're going to be seeing yourself in weird, semi-dressed positions all day. Your confidence might take a battering, so minimise it as much as you can. I often shop in tunics, leggings and ballet flats. You can always leave the leggings on and ballet flats are easy to kick off. Watch out for smelly shoes though. No-one will be happy to impart honest wisdom to someone that nearly knocked them out with foot odour.

3. Don't be talked into something by friends, family or sales assistants. If you do, it will probably stay hidden in the back of the wardrobe. I could tell you about some doozies I have been talked into.
4. Stick with your size. You are shopping for something to wear now, not in your dreams. It won't motivate you to lose weight or gain weight and it's going to sit in your wardrobe making you feel bad about yourself. Hunt down the clothes that make you feel good - TODAY
5. Don't believe every compliment given by a sales assistant. I'm sure most of them are true but they are also trying to make a sale.

What are your best clothes shopping tips?


  1. My moto has always been .... if it's a maybe, it's a no. You will always wear something else over something that is just ok, or was a maybe in the shop :-)

    1. Yes, I completely agree. If you have any concerns, leave it!

  2. laughing is painful post c- section... i'm in pain reading this. too funny.

    did you illustrate the images? love them.

    now i'm off to find some jeans that are flattering to my vagina.


    1. The images are all originals - feel free to use without credit :) Good luck with the jeans hunting xx

  3. Great tips - and awesome illustrations!

    I agree with Em... soooooo funny!

  4. Snoooorrrrttttt! Just spat my tea all over my screen. The Welshman was not impressed until I showed him your drawings!

    OK, I had a draft post like this in my folder. Just scrapped. Can't compete with vaginas!

  5. Oh, and point number one is so true. Someone tagged me on IG asking if they should have bought a jacket. They were hunched over with an unhappy expression on their face. The answer was clearly no. I see it all the time when I'm shopping or working at Red Cross. If someone comes out and they're tugging at something and pulling a face, then they either won't buy it (smart) or will buy it and never, ever wear it (dumb).

  6. dress for your shape. that is my best advice. it makes you feel sexy :) but I love all your tips!

  7. Take a trust worthy person with you. My BFF is very fashion-minded, and I love shopping with her, she will give it to me STRAIGHT, and I trust her judgement! I wish she didn't live so far away, I need her now! I've been shopping 2 weekends in a row and have loved NOTHING enough to buy it. A few things have been "ok" but as someone said, if you don't love it, don't buy it!

  8. I love your drawings! I like the tip about buying something you can wear NOW, not sometime in the future when you're at your goal weight :)

  9. I love the illustrations!
    That last one is just classic!
