Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pet Peeves

Earlier this week I read an article about unwritten rules and it got me thinking.  Thinking too much.   I must have more unwritten rules or pet peeves than most people.  I have been walking and driving around the last two days making notes whenever someone broke an unwritten rule or seemed to lack general social graces.  It made me feel like a member of the "Secret Polite Police" or 'Miss Suburban Manners'.  Feel free to make your own suggestions and become a founding member of the SPP.

Car Manners
  • If someone lets you in, acknowledge them with a little wave.  It's their payment for nice manners;
  • Speeding up on a round about so you can show people they didn't have space to enter, just shows you are a loser; and
  • Park within the lines of the car space.

  • Don't talk on your phone when you are at the checkout; and
  • Move your trolley to the side of the aisle when walking about.
  • Boys - pull your pants up.  We are looking at your undies and you are not Marky Mark; and 
  • Girls - pull your tops down.   As much as I hate the term 'muffin top', that combined with peek-a-boo undies, you can do much better than this.
  • Don't be vague with your status updates. "Why me????" "Sigh..." "Over it".   Then don't respond to the concerned responses;
  • Bad grammar.  'Y dont u just lern 2 spel? lol :)'; and
  • 4000 friends doesn't make you popular.
Host, guest and eating
  • Be punctual.  If it is unavoidable, then phone before your arrival time;
  • Host does not = staff.  Be a good guest;
  • Bring something.  If you are a drinker, then don't bring less than you plan to drink;
  • If you have been invited to eat, tell the host beforehand if you have any dietary requirements, not when you sit down to eat;
  • No-one wants to see your masticated food.  Keep your mouth closed when eating; and
  • Thank the cook.
Mobile Phone
  • The speaker phone is for when you are alone and not when around other people.  No one wants to hear what you did on the weekend, etc;
  • Leave the phone alone when you are eating.  The phone enhances already gross chewing sounds; and
  • We can hear the toilet flushing. We know what you were doing.

  • Please don't sniff or snort, use a tissue; and
  • Replace empty toilet rolls and put the old roll in the bin.

Pets, these need to be mentioned because the title is Pet Peeves
  • Please keep your dog fenced.  For their safety and others; and
  • Dogs shouldn't bark all the time.  Work out the reason and help them.

Monday, November 28, 2011

All things Papier Mache

You would be amazed what you find when you walk around the Peninsula with your eyes open.  In Jetty Arcade, I came across a space that made me rub my eyes and check again.  It was full of large colourful, happy, sculptures.  You can't walk past and not smile.  Everything is made from recycled products.  There was a full-size dog playing the piano, a complete man-sized chess set, a beach bum pinata, a gorgeous ethereal mermaid.   It's hard to believe these are all papier mache.  The time and effort that Lynette and Michelle have put into these sculptures is amazing.

They will make items to order too.  Imagine a life size nativity scene for next Christmas, or a George Clooney sculpture standing in your bedroom corner or even a Julia Gillard pinata at your next election party. The possibilities are endless.

They also specialise in items for stage or theatre, 3D paintings and murals, themed parties and so much more.  Keep them in mind.

Big Papier Mache Things
Jetty Arcade
139 Redcliffe Parade, Redcliffe
0404 491 096
0404 153 494

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Venus, The Love Goddess Boutique

I did not know what to expect when I decided to visit this boutique on Redcliffe Parade.  Imagine my surprise when I discover an old friend is the owner.  Venus, is a great lady and runs a fun shop.  This is a lady friendly place and is not intimidating at all.  There are some adult toys discreetly behind beads on the back wall but this is only a small part of the shop.  Venus sells dresses, costumes and lingerie.  She also custom makes costumes, runs burlesque classes and organises parties.  I am going to give the classes a go in the new year, how much fun will they be!  Cher, Christina, Watch out!! There is a new girl in town and her name is Venus and she is fabulous!!

Venus,The Love Goddess Boutique
55 Redcliffe Parade, Redcliffe
3283 7083

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Redcliffe Seaside Ice Rink

When strolling along the beaches of Redcliffe with the warm sun beaming down on me, it's hard to imagine 50 metres away people are skating on ice. Today is the opening of the Redcliffe Seaside Ice Rink and it was the place to be.  The rink was buzzing with energy, there was lots of laughter and smiles.  You can hire skates, purchase drinks and you can even hire "penguins" to help the younger children balance.  My girls were a little disappointed that real penguins weren't going to be guiding them around the rink but got over it and managed to have a fantastic time anyway.  The rink will be set up until 11 December.  It's excellent to have another option on a warm summer (or spring) day.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Shopping got a little easier today!

I am not lazy, but I am always looking for ways to make my life a little easier.  Thanks to Orange Sherbet it just did. They are always putting photos of new stock on their Facebook page. On Wednesday I saw a gorgeous dress on their page, contacted them and they put it aside. They would have been equally happy to post it out too. They stock some great, fun clothes and beautiful gifts.  Their shops are located in Kippa Ring and the other in Bluewater.  Visit the Orange Sherbet facebook page and support a great local business.
facebook photo of dress
Now all mine
I love this top too, it might be my next purchase.
Cute gifts

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Insomnia, Curse or Gift!

Today, I was going to take the easy way out and not post anything. I sporadically suffer from insomnia and last night I did not sleep a wink. I am tired today and feel my brain hasn't connected. But, what's the point of the easy way??

As tired as I am, there are some good points to insomnia. I love it when the world is all quiet and mine. This secret world is inhabited by my dog, bad TV and me. We watch '21 Jump Street' reruns, 80's movies (like Manniquin), Dr 90210. We eat honey toast and have a cup of tea, sometimes even chocolate because calories don't count at 2am. Sometimes, I'll text my aunt, to see if she is sharing my midnight world, and we will have a 3am text conversation. We have even visited each other in our pjamas for an 4am coffee. I can also have a short, guilt-free, nana naps during the day.

A couple of insomnia quotes I love are;

'Without enough sleep, we all become tall two-year-olds' JoJo Jensen. So true.

'If a man has as many ideas during the day as he does when he has insomnia, he'd make a fortune' Griff Niblack. I do come up with amazing ideas in the wee hours.

'The last refuge of the insomniac is a sense of superiority to the sleep world' Leonard Cohen. We have to feel superior somehow.

Now to mix things up with a change of subject. Yesterday the Mamamia webpage had a video on how to wear a men's shirt as a dress. You can find the link here. I decided to borrow one of my husbands shirts, to fashion into a skirt and see if anyone noticed. A few people did, but more surprising, as I lurched like the undead through North Lakes, a few people stopped me to tell me they loved my skirt. I am not sure I'll wear it again, but it was a fun experiment.

Inspired by Mamamia

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Breakfast at Reef Point Cafe

Anyone who loves a long, leisurely breakfast must stop by here. Mid-week is great but Sundays are excellent. They have tables and chairs set up outside under trees, so you can bring the hairy members of your family (I mean dogs, but husbands are welcome too and they are allowed to sit inside). This gem is hidden behind the Scarborough Caravan Park and is on the beach. We managed to grab a table, but I would recommend booking because they are so popular. They serve a delicious breakfast and sell the paper. On the weekends, they also have a band.

This is a great place for people watching. Bike riders, runners and dog walkers go past in a happy, spontaneous parade, and then the skydivers land right in-front on the beach.

Another reason we are so lucky to live on the Peninsula!

Reef Point Cafe
2 Reef Point Esplanade
3880 0250

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Things that make me happy!

I love going to the supermarket, discovering there are new magazines out and they have great gifts attached. Today I pick up the Madison Magazine and it had two choices of Nail Polish. I picked the 'Yummy Mummy' which is a perfect, soft brown. It looks gorgeous against a tan. Makes me feel very 'yummy mummy' like and also very thrifty.

Last week I got a blue Mimco bag. I really wanted the orange one but couldn't find one anywhere. I have a few rules I need to follow in the search for the gifts. It has to be a magazine I will read, I can't already have the magazine at home and they have to be gifts I'll really use. Occasionally, I'll break the rules, like for the Elizabeth Arden lip gloss, but I really did read the magazine three times. There was also a great eyeliner attached to another magazine, so I had to buy the magazine for everyone I knew because it was too good for them to miss out. It sure makes grocery shopping a lot more fun.

Plus, when you buys things at the supermarket, it counts as groceries.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Meet my Nemesis

Today was the first day of conquering my fear of singing. I do have a fear of singing and of anyone hearing me sing. I will mime happy birthday, and avoid karaoke and sing-star games (except for one night and that footage must remain buried deep - and yes, this is a threat).

I met with Melissa of Diva Voice Studios located in Scarborough. It's hard to believe she managed to make me completely forget about my fears. I realised when I was going through the exercises, I was forgetting to sing quietly and put on my 'singing voice'. Melissa seems confident there is hope, and she has passed it on to me. I am getting excited.

We are so lucky to have such a great singing school and teacher on the Peninsula.

Anyway, I am off to pick up the girls from school and I am going to practice my vocal exercises in the car, LOUDLY!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bowls Fundraiser

This weekend I was invited to attend the "Bowls for Boobs" fundraiser at the Bramble Bay Bowls club. I am so glad I accepted the invitation because this was a great way to spend the afternoon. Lovely ladies, perfect weather, wonderful cause.

This was to raise money for local lady, Kelli Rushton and her family. Kelli has been fighting breast cancer and has three young children attending Grace Lutheran Primary School (grades prep, one and two). Kellie has now finished her treatment and I pray she will remain cancer free. In the meantime, this has been a tough year for her, her husband and children. So many people generously donated time, money or prizes. A few important mentions are Neli Coffee, Feel Goodz, Rustic Olive, Bio Point, Bramble Bay Bowls Club, Maree Carter organised generous Sony prizes valued over $500, Jackie Hancock, Julie Smullen, Wendy Stack and Annette Kropp for all their time and effort.

It is not too late to help Kelli and her family. The account to donate is still open and every little bit will help. The account details are:

Kelli Maree Rushton
BSB 014 228
Acc 277998475

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Monkey see, Monkey do

Is imitation the most sincere form of flattery? I know it is meant to be but usually it is just annoying.

Quite a few people have brought this subject up lately. There must be something in the air. Whether it's work, family, friend or stalker etc, it is hard not to be affected by people you find inspiring. I think that often the imitator doesn't realise they are doing this and it's completely unintentional. But, there is a big difference between being inspired and copying (Jennifer Jason Leigh's character in 'Single White Female' crossed that line).

If you find that you are often imitated, does this say more about you or the imitator? Or is it all in your crazy head?

In the end, it is a compliment that you can inspire people but it would drive you crazy if the imitator takes the inspiration, improves it and does an awesome job. Fingers crossed this doesn't happen. If it does, maybe it's time for you to find some inspiration of your own.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Formal Fever

The out-going Year 12 students had their formal tonight. They looked beautiful. There were fun vehicles lined up for the trip into town, I saw stretch Hummers, a double decker bus, vintage cars and a Lamborghini. Their equally gorgeous, proud parents were also there to photograph and wave them off. So much laughter and happiness in the air, I wish I was seventeen again - for just one night! Have a fantastic night, you deserve it!!
Wear a top hat and I will take your photo.