Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hair Trends for Spring 2012

It's that time again. The weather is going to start warming up and we are going to shed our winter layers and want to do something (anything) to freshen up our look.

Some huge hair trends for Spring 2012 are:
1. Short, short, short. I have already jumped on this bandwagon and feel free to join me. It's great getting the heavy hair off your neck and it's so easy and quick to style.
Think Anne Hathaway, Evan Rachel Wood, Ginnifer Goodwin, Miley Cyrus

Image source
2. Colour. Bright playful colours are still huge.  Any colour and don't think it's just for rocks stars. This is a good friend of mine and she is rockin' a rainbow of gorgeous colours.
Think P!nkKelly Osbourne
3. What I like to call the undone do. The dramatic Balayage is going and being replaced with a more natural look. I am relieved, I am over it. The new version doesn't look like regrowth, it looks like summer visited and the kissed the ends of your hair. Then you have to make it look like it dried naturally into a perfect rolled-out-of-bed do.
Think Alexa Chung, Rachel Bilson
4. The fringe. This is a quick way to have a dramatic change. It's also awesome when you can't afford botox. It'll hide forehead wrinkles.
Think Jessica Biel, Zooey Deschanel
5. Short bobs. This still remains one of the most popular hair styles. This time it's shorter with movement.
Think Carmeron Diaz

AND Looks to Avoid
Kim Kardashian Playboy hair extensions and waves.
Extreme balayage
over the top wigs like Nicki Minaj


  1. I've got a short bob with a side fringe. Unfortunately when I sat in the chair describing the cut I was after I forgot one important thing... and so walked out looking almost exactly like my mother!

    1. Haha, do't you hate that. My mum keeps telling me we have similar cuts. I refuse to believe it. Rx

  2. As you know I've gone the fringe ... I don't know how long I'll put up with it but definitely has a more powerful effect than botox!

    1. I love your fringe but I agree, they do take work. Rachel x

  3. I too am already on the short bandwagon, it just gets to hot and heavy to have anything else up here.

    Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses #teamIBOT

  4. I'm already short and thinking of growing it out! Reverse trend!

    1. I don't have the patience for long term planning. I like immediate gratification :) I love your short hair but I think you would look great with long too. Rx

  5. Love your new hair Rachel!!! I went the concave bob and I really want to go shorted - we'll see what summer brings!!!

    Thank god all the pimping and priming is out the window - takes forever!!!

    1. Thanks Meagan. I keep going shorter and shorter. I think while I am here I may as well go crazy. Rachel x

  6. Damn. What am I going to do with all of my OTT Nicki Minaj-esque wigs now? ;)
    I would love, love, love a "proper" fringe but am cursed with a short-fringe hating giant cowlick. Great tips, Rachel!

    1. Haha, maybe you can just save them for the school runs? I have weird cowlicks too. I have one that makes the hair on top of my head stick up. It takes some taming.

  7. When I was a teen I cut my hair short, short, short. I was teased to no end, nasty teenage girls were adamant that only boys had short hair. It ruined the experience for me, because although I loved it, I was a little traumatised by the reaction! So as an adult I've never been able to cut it short again :(

    1. Those nasty girls. They probably all have short hair now too. I am sure you looked awesome and they were just jealous. Rx

  8. I tried the front fringe it was great for a few weeks but the maintanence sucks haha! I'm with you on the extreme balayage is out it looks terrible! The softer version is much nicer!!

    Steph :)

    1. Fringes do take more effort and I am very lazy. I like minimal work for maximin impact :)

  9. ohh I want to do a fringe but too scared!!!!

    so I have a side fringe..

    love your look!!!

    1. Just do it!!! You would look gorgeous with anything :)

  10. Short hair rocks. I love how easy it is to blow dry!

    1. It really does. I have cut my getting ready time by 2/3. Rachel x

  11. I've jumped on the short bandwagon too! Sooo much more stylish than just having it pulled back in a messy "I'm a mum & don't have the time" bun!

    1. I totally agree. I have always said 'ponytails aren't hairstyles'. If you are tying it back all the time, it's time to think of something else. Rachel x

  12. Since having bub I am having major hair issues and I am seriously contemplating the chop. You look sensational! x

    1. Thank you. The chop certainly helped my hair issues. it made me feel less 'mumsy' too. Rachel xx

  13. I think you have inspired me to go lighter this summer, ala Alexa Chung.

    1. She does have a great colour. Let me know how you go :)

  14. i love the versatility of my fringe... im too scared to go short i have a lot of hair that goes super frizzy and curly. i do think a change of colour might be in order though... maybe. youve definitely given me some food for thought x

    1. Colour can change everything. Maybe do that first. Rachel x

  15. Thanks for the tips! I'm off to the hair dresser on thursday, but I'm not going to do anything drastic. It's getting hot up here, so I need my hair long enough to tie up!

  16. Love the look! Personally, I often go for undone look, the I rolled-out-of-bed do- quite literally. Glad to hear it's a trend though x

    1. If you wait long enough, everything becomes trendy eventually :) I am undone a lot too. Rachel xx

  17. I love your short hair, Rachel. I went short about 8 yeas ago, but have since grown it back. I'm not sure I could cut it off again, not yet anyway. I'm a ponytail, messy bun kind of girl. All Summer. :-)

    1. Thanks, I am loving it too.

      Buns are great for summer. Rachel xx

  18. I soooooooooo want to go the chop! I've been growing my hair for over 4 years and with my wedding only 6 months away, I'll be keeping the length cos I want to wear it down. However, as soon as I'm a married woman, I want to have it cut to collarbone length (which will be a HUGE chop)!

    1. That will a huge change. You will look amazing, but you can't go wrong with your face :)

  19. I'm aiming for the short bob! Like the chick in the TV show Alcatraz.

  20. Liking the short but not the colourful colours.

  21. I have to remember to get to the hairdresser soon, while I'm still pregnant with fabulous hair ;) It all becomes to depressing once the baby is born...

    1. Mine was the same. Gorgeous until after the babies :)

  22. I have a fabulous hairdresser who does wonders with my bob. Might go that little sharper and edgier next time :)

  23. Love a short 'do. So easy and so manageable!

    1. Me too. I just don't like how it sticks up in the morning

  24. hair is the bane of my existence - i have fine curly hair so go short but not as short as i would like as i am afraid of what might result. i keep looking for inspiration... love your "do"!

    1. Thanks Deb. I wasn't happy with my hair at all today. Short hair needs to be washed more often.

  25. My hair is always colourful, but I keep getting so tempted by all the amazing short cuts that are showing up lately!

  26. And here I was thinking my Kim Kardashian clip on ponytail was the bomb! Might rethink wearing it out tonight.
    I should have linked my Tuesday Beautiful Lengths post up to yours! Would have been perfect partnering ...
    Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit

    1. It probably is the bomb on you xx

      I am going to check out your Tuesday post now :)

  27. Great hair trends. I really like to see whats the trend in all season.
