Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hello lover...

I have just spent a few days on Moreton Island. As you may already know, I was missing COFFEE!! I like to have a few cups as soon as I wake up. Bam, bam, bam.

When I got home I noticed my husband had installed this. A Nespresso capsule dispenser. Sometimes he is awesome.

PS: I am joining up for Wordless Wednesday at My Little Drummer Boys


  1. How lush! What a great hubby :)

  2. Oh wow I love it!
    I need to get me one of these :)
    Prue x

  3. Haha! Love how you've added the love hearts into the photo. :) x

  4. Haha! Love how you've added the love hearts :). He is a keeper, indeed! x

  5. Replies
    1. It's probably more a present for himself than me. But I'll take it :)

  6. I have absolutely no understanding of what that is or why it's good but the photo is pretty and speaks to my ocd-ish love of patterns :D

  7. So pretty! But my OCD would say you can't use any... or it will muck up the pattern!!! LOL!

    1. I keep having to move them around so they balance. This may not have been a great idea after all :)

  8. What a darling! And yes, at first glance I thought it was a statement necklace too (and think about it - a statement necklace that carries around Nespresso pods? Would be amazing! Carry the machine in your hand bag and coffee on the go whenever the mood hits!).
