Monday, July 9, 2012

Family Aliases

I have noticed that many people have family aliases when they are discussing their family online. I have decided after a 7 months of referring to 'my husband, my 8yo and my 6yo' (in the words of Ricki Lee) 'it's about to get serious' and I am going to give them aliases.
The husband
I was considering 'The Mountie' because of his Canadian accent. I could make all sorts of quips about mounting the Mountie, rhymes referring to bounties, etc. but then I realised that you can do that so many times. So no to 'the Mountie'

Quite a few people have mentioned how much my husband resembles Daniel Craig from James Bond. So, I was thinking James Bond but just Bond for short. He is ruggedly handsome, intense, intelligent and all man. Grrrr.

Edit: My daughters have told me he should be called Action Jackson. The reason being that he calls himself Action Jackson when he decides to do something fast. The problem is that he can not do ANYTHING fast. He would be the slowest superhero in the world. He will now be referred to as "AJ" also know as "Action Jackson".

The 8yo
She has long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and the face of an angel. I was going to go with the obvious 'Blondie' but that's boring. She likes tracksuit pants, so I could name her 'the dag' but that might set her style in stone.

When she was little she stomped around like a baby elephant. I always called her stompy or stomps. It's not very pretty but she answers to it. So Stompy she is.

The 6yo
For some reason she has always been schmoo or schmooy. Why? I can't remember but it somehow relates to her being really snuggly. It's a dumb name. She is also my little mini-me. I was thinking I will just call her mini-me but I am hoping the poor kid will grow up to be a lot funnier and smarter than me and I don't want to hold her back with the mini-me title.

When she was little she would tell people her name was Mimi (me-me). So, now it is.


  1. Where's your evil villain laugh? You can't have that facial hair and not be evil. Also, it's not nice to tie people to railroad tracks.

    My aliases were really easy, 5yo used to be JemimaFishPants but although she answered to it, it was just too long. So (sneaky) Weasel she became. My almost 3yo only recently learned her own name, before that she was 'baby', because I'm an excellent mother like that.

    1. It's hard to capture the evil laugh and I was very good at it. I should have vlogged it.

  2. LOL! Love your new look, Rachel! ;)
    Great names, too! Your hubby looks like Daniel Craig? You lucky gal ;)

    1. I know, I am probably trapped in a woman's body :) Rachel x

  3. Woah, your husband sort of resembles Daniel Craig!? Nice!! :P I never really did the whole alias things, I understand though, and if I ever get into a new relationship and talk about anything like that, I probably will.

    1. They aren't identical or anything, but a few people have mentioned it :)

      I only noticed it once other people brought it to my attention.


  4. Love the pic :-)

    I'm a bit boring that way and just refer to my mob as the hubster, and Mr 18 & Miss 15 (updating as they grow older obviously) ...

  5. I'm sure my husband would like to be known as Bond! He actually nearly ended up being Homer (which IS actually the most appropriate alias for him) The Man (his name is Dan) seemed the least offensive though ;) Thanks for linking up to Monday's Minutia x

    1. My husband would have been happy to stick with Bond, but the girls picked one that suits him better :)

      I love your Monday link and glad I could participate today. Rachel x

  6. Glad you didn't go with dag, what a way to crush a girl's confidence ;) I gave my kids aliases on the blog but have yet to really use them and my hubby is still hubby so maybe I should come up with one for him, he could not be dubbed Bond by any means haha lucky you :D Mr11 is Junior Perfectionist (another version of mini-me), Miss7 is Little Devil (cos she is) and Mr4 is Bubba Boy cos we have always called the littlest Bubba cos I am in no hurry for him to grow up being the last of the babies :(

    1. I know, I don't want to crush her confidence but I am really hoping it's just a phase. Great aliases your guys have. I imagine Bubba Boy will be Bubba Boy for the rest of his life. Rx

  7. I use all our names. I'm probably asking to be identity stollen but when I blog I need to just write, not worry about who's called what! In retrospect I probably should have done aliases but now there's so many blog posts the idea just seems ridiculous!

    1. True, there would be a time when it is past the point of no return. Rx

  8. I want to know where you find Canadians who look like Daniel Craig and are 'go slow' Mounties (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) LOL. So, is your name really Rachel or is that your alias? LOL

    Anne xx

    1. Gosh you make me giggle Anne. Love your work. Rxx

  9. That first picture just made me cack - you are so funny. I wish I had thought of aliases, but alas I just dived into blogging without any thought at all so my families names are now out there for the world to see and for the kids to force me to delete in future years lol xx

    1. I am glad you liked the photo. My girls (or should I say Stompy and Mimi) had no idea of my evil costume and they jumped a mile.

  10. Love this! Hello, Stompy and Mimi from Boyo x

  11. I use aliases too, but yours are way more interesting than MacMan, Miss T and Lil S! And drool to the idea of Daniel Craig as a hubby lookalike. Though I might go for Rupert Penry-Jones instead. Though, along with Nee, Homer is probably most realistic!

    1. I think your names are really cute. At least you won't get confused. Rx
