Monday, July 23, 2012

Only a little embarrassing...

Mimi, my six year old has been begging for me to have baby for years. Even as a toddler, she was obsessed with babies. She always had her 'ball baby' tucked into her top or was begging me to walk around with the 'ball baby'.
I, for some stupid reason, absentmindedly agreed to carry her baby doll around for a day and pretend it was a real baby. Once this had been agreed to, she wouldn't let me forget and called me on it yesterday. I pick up her doll Lilly, brushed her hair, swaddled her and took her out.

We took her to see the Katy Perry movie in 3D...
and then grocery shopping. 
Someone even stopped me to comment on how gorgeous my baby was and asked how old. Instead of making her feel silly or admitting that I was loser for carrying a doll. I said thank you, 3 months but she is sleeping so I had to cover her little sleeping face a little more.  Embarrassment averted.

Until I ran into someone I knew, he looked confused and I felt like a knob. He gave me a gentle hug while side eyeing the swaddled new born in my arms. I had to confess it was a doll.

I am fairly certain he thinks I am crazy and I don't blame him. I feel a little crazy.

I am linking up with Nee Say Monday's Minutia


  1. Gold, pure gold. You're such a good mummy.

    1. Thanks Trudie. She was smiling the entire time and it made me feel like a good mum :)

  2. I agree with Trudie...that's awesome Rachel.
    Only a loving mum would carry a doll around to make their child happy! lol

    1. Thanks Trudie, I think it was worth the embarrassment to make her so happy :) Rachel x

  3. Not crazy, just an awesome mum :)

    At least you didn't have to walk around with it up your top first!!!

    1. haha, she made me choose which I would prefer. A ball baby or carry the baby. There wasn't any chance of me wearing a ball baby.

  4. LOL!!! That's the funniest thing. At least the baby didn't scream during to movie or need its nappy changed!!

    1. She was excellent in the cinema. I am surprised they didn't ask me if I needed an under age ticket. Rx

  5. Mummy of the YEAR! You are a legend, and I'm sure your little girl will always have very fond memories of the day mummy took the "baby" out!!

    1. Thank you Rachel! Maybe a legend is a bit much but I did feel like I did something right as a mum :) xx

  6. Gorgeous and hilarious!!! She must have been so happy. My daughter is convinced I'm having a baby(ies)) every time I have a big dinner (one brother and one sister). No chance!

    1. She was completely thrilled. I think mine side eye my tummy hoping there is something growing too. Rachel x

  7. I wonder if next time you should go out with a ball baby tucked under your clothes... now that would make Mimi even more happy!! (& I would love to see it!)

    ~ Jodi

    1. Haha, yes she would love it but I wouldn't want to hear your giggles. It wouldn't be worth it. Rx

  8. That's hilarious! Nick desperately wants me to give him a baby brother or sister but I think that's just so he doesn't have to fill the baby roll anymore. I'm swings and round abouts when it comes to cluckiness - just not sure I could face all those sleepless nights, sore nipples and dirty nappies again. I guess that's a huge bonus with your doll ;) Thanks for linking to #mondaysminutia xx

    1. I couldn't go back there. I keep thinking how neat a family of four is and perfect for holidays and day trips or even going out to dinner. I wouldn't want to mess with that. No thanks to nappies, sleepless nights or sore nipples. Ouch :)

  9. Hahaha, this is such a beautiful and funny post!

    Thank you for sharing :) x

  10. Hahaha too funny. You are so sweet. There is no way I'd do that for my kids. But then again, I have an actual baby I have to carry around so my hands are kinda full!

    1. If I had a real baby then she wouldn't have wanted me to do it. She would much prefer the real deal. Rx

  11. Did anyone hassle you for breastfeeding in public? Because that would have been really embarrassing....

    1. No, but they did when I breastfeed the 6yo. It's cheaper than movie snacks.

  12. Ha ha, this is awesome. I can only imagine the look on the face of the guy who knew you :)

    1. Yeah, he certainly looked confused and a little freaked out. Lucky he got it pretty quickly and understood that it was all for the love of my girl :) Rachel

  13. That is absolutely frigging hilarious! You are the most awesomest mum ever!

    1. Thanks Sonia, even my husband is questioning my sanity now. Rachel x

  14. lol, reminds me of a neighbouring stall owner at a trade show being chased by over zealous security RE: the no baby or children rule as she carried her baby mannequin hitched under her arm into the set up zone. He carried on so loudly that he drew so much attention to himself and had a big audience ready to point and laugh and his mistake. Seems all the cool people have dolls these days? .. must get myself one

    1. LOL, that is so funny.Yes, the cool kids are all carrying dolls :) Rachel x

  15. I love that you did that! The things us mums do to keep them happy! Love the pic of the ball in the cozzy. Too cute! x

    1. I love that photo of her too, she was taking it very seriously. Rachel x

  16. Oh that is funny! My daughter is slightly obsessed with her babies and will breastfeed them and have them come out of her tummy, good on you for going out in public with your 'baby' I could not have done it

    1. Haha, that is so cute. My little one was a lot like that too. You are going to be pretending dollies are real one day too. Rachel x
