Friday, July 20, 2012

5 Best Skincare Products

My 5 best skincare products have been chosen from the hundreds or thousand I have tried over the years.

1. Clarins Lotus Oil. This has always been and will always be one my absolute favourite products. This smells divine and feels so good when you smooth those drops of heaven into your face. It is 100% pure plant extracts and is a natural astringent for oily to combination skin. I think it's about $49.
2. Savon Creme. This exfoliant has the most perfect fine grains. I will swirl and swirl this onto my face and fall into a trance as I de-clog my pores. I love how my skin feels afterwards. As a teenager I used this once and realised I could never use the Apri Apricot facial scrub again. $40

3. Thalgo Wrinkle Control Eye Patch. As a wrinkly eyed pirate, these patches are excellent for me. They tighten, hydrate, reduce fine lines and crows feet.  I think they are about $55 for a pack of 10. But feel free to contact me and tell me how wrong I am.

4. Danne Foamy Lift and Exoderma Peel. These are expensive. They are also a fussy, time consuming and uncomfortable team. Strangely enough I really enjoy the hard, itchy, concrete that they become.  The release you feel cracking the mask after 45 minute makes it all worth it. I think they are about $76 and $54 but I will double check
5. Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser. So cheap, so gentle. This will not dry out your skin or strip it of your natural oils.  Prices starting from $14.95 but you can always find it on special somewhere.

I would love you to share your favourite products, I am always on the look out for new ones.


  1. Will have to go and check these out. I am not really a product person but apparently I should start doing something before there is even more age damage done :)

    1. Aging has made me more serious about my skin too :) Rachel x

  2. Haha I remember the Apricot scrub! Gonna check it if Savon is selling in Singapore. I need a good exfoliant.

    I use Cetaphil sometimes for my face too. i've been using a Clinique moisturizer for a long time and like its lightness. There's a pink one from Biotherm that I like too. And recently I'm trying out thr roll-ons for eyes from Garnier. So convenient!

    1. I have the roll-on too. It's so refreshing. I love it. I should use it now after another sleepless night. Rachel x

  3. Cetaphil is great. Rose hip oil is another cheap but wonderful product. My skin is always much drier in winter and I found a really nice, rich moisturiser which was $20-$30 - Avene rich hydrating creme - just from one of those supermarket-style chemists. My cleanser is a sorbolene/menthol/glycerine recipe I get made up at a chemist. And that's it! (The best body moisturiser I ever had cost a bomb from Jo Malone, but it was SO worth it.)

    1. Rose hip oil is a very popular one. I have used it but I don't love it. I will hunt down the Avene product. Jo Malone makes such beautiful products :) Rachel xx

  4. I have very sensitive skin, so i can't use alot of products on my skin.
    A moisturiser i have found that works wonders is 'Palmers' Cocoa butter calming lotion. it leaves my skin feel so soft and it doesn't leave that oily feeling.

    1. I have a few Palmers products but not this one. It sounds great. Rx

  5. Thanks for sharing, I have always loved ella bache and although they say it is for a tasmania skin, it just leaves me so hydrated. I use the masque de roses and revitalisant and they have been favourites since I was 18!x

    1. The rose mask is divine. I love it. It smells so good too. :)

  6. I had a good old rummage in my make up/jewellery draw the other day and found a small jar of 'all about eyes' from clinique. I'd forgotten all about it. It does wonders for the dark rings under my eyes. Need it today as running on 3 hours sleep after shocking night with teething 1yo!

    1. I use to have 'all about eyes' too. I think it got it as a gift with purchase. It was very good. I have been using the Nivea roll-on to refresh my sleep deprived eyes all day :)

  7. I use a mix of Priori, Dermaquest and Dermalogica products. Oh, and I make sure I go for a facial at least every 2 months.
    I love Ella Bache. I had an eyebrow wax and tint along with a Foot scrub there last week. Love!

    1. I don't get facials anywhere near as often as I should. I would love to have a good one. Rx

  8. I have to say I've not tried any of those. I don't really have a favourite product, but at the moment I'm loving my Bed Head shampoo that smells like caramel!

    1. Oh Caramel shampoo would make your pillow smell yummo. :)

  9. Try the L'Occitane foam cleanser; it is divine. It leaves your face squeaky clean without removing the natural oils. It also makes you feel as if your are walking in the French alps, or at least that is my fantasy.

    1. L'Occitane has beautiful products. They are about to open one at my local Westfield and I can't wait. I'll head straight to the foam cleanser. Rx

  10. I used Estee Lauder and Clarins years ago, Aveda and then Dermalogica... but recently I use whatever I put my hands on at the supermarket. Ridiculous really when I need to focus more on my skin now I'm in my 40s than I did when I was younger.

    I rarely find stuff I 'love' now, but probably could choose a collection of things I've tried and loved over the years. Must ponder on that when I'm feeling a bit more flush with funds!

    1. When I was single I spent a lot more on products. Now I do tend to look for the good supermarket ones and it's even better if they are on special :)

  11. I like the idea of the Clarins Oil, do you use it as a moisturiser?

    Oh and loved, loved your facebook post yesterday, as did all my friends xo

    1. Hi Blue Belle, the Clarins Oil is my night time treatment, it would be put on instead of a night cream.

      Thank you, I am so glad you enjoyed it and really happy you gave feedback. Sometimes we really need it :) Rachel xx

  12. Love the sound of that oil! I don't use many products but that sounds great!

    1. It is the best. They have a few but I stick with the Lotus :) It lasts forever too. Rachel x

  13. That Lotus oil sounds so lovely! I must check it out.


  14. This is a product that's relatively new to Australia and definitely a little bit on the exy side, but you use the tiniest little amount and It. Really. Works. Oh my god, it is fantastic. ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment. I was given some sachets, which I got three treatments out of, and had to buy some. Amazeballs.

    1. That looks amazing!!!! I really have to get my hands on that one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Rx

  15. I love Natio. It's Australian Made & not tested on animals. I especially love the Hydrating Mask, Brighting Balm and Spa body wash.

    1. I agree, Natio does make some lovely products. Rx

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