Wednesday, January 2, 2013

An uncomfortable reaction

In the past, I have had some weird reactions to chemicals. I am not talking the type people might inhale recreationally. I am talking about cleaning products. Some products cause uncontrollable itching, swelling and redness. It's been a few years since I have reacted to anything and I got a little blasé.

Until Monday, New Year's Eve.

I must have come in contact with something, somewhere and it decided to hit when I was out celebrating the end of 2012. It's hard to enjoy great food, company and delicious champagne when you can't stop scratching. I was like a dog with a chronic flea infestation. Every scrap of makeup was imbedded under my nails. It wasn't pretty.
How was your New Year's Eve? Any good (or embarrassing) stories to share?

Edit: 3 days later. I've stopped itching but my skin is peeling. I think it was a new nail polish remover but I have been avoiding all cleaning products. Infact, just to be safe, I have avoid all cleaning.

I am joining up for Wordless Wednesday with My Little Drummer Boys


  1. OUCH, any idea what caused it, hopefully not the champers!Emily

  2. Youch......and antihistamines really don't go down well with champagne I presume?
    Tania xx

    1. I didn't have any antihistamines. I bought some as soon as the chemist opened the next day.

  3. Oh Rachel, what a night for that to happen! :( My NYE was a non-event, had to stay home with a sick child. Happy New Year to you all the same! :) x

  4. That's terrible your celebrations were interrupted by this. I hope it has settled down.
    No big New Years stories here I was in bed early still recuperating after being sick since Christmas Eve.
    Wishing you a fabolous 2013.

    1. Oh no, that is bad timing. I hope you are fully recovered now.

  5. Wow, yucky way to spend the night! Hope you are better now! Do visit me sometime at and link up! Thanks, Teresa

  6. Oh that sux! New Years Eve was very tame this year, just went to my Mum's, had some dinner, the boys played cards, I coloured in and we critiqued the fireworks in between trying to get an overtired little girl to sleep. Tame!

  7. Oh that sucks, there is not much worse then itchy skin. Hubby gets really bad hayfever and he says he wishes he could just scratch his eyes out!

    1. I don't get hayfever, but I know what the itchies are like.

  8. oooh!!! *giggles* I love your picture!!!!! But so bad that it had to happen when you were out on NYE!!!!

    Hope your feeling better xx

  9. Oh, yeouch! Great timing, Rach! Did you figure out what it was causing it?
    I used this exfoliating product once that just didn't work with the moisturiser I was using. My ended up with this strange alligator skin. People couldn't stop staring at me.

    1. Oh no, Was your skin improved after the scales dropped off, like a deep exfoliation?

  10. Oh Rachel, such bad luck! I hope you find out what it was so you can avoid it happening again. x

  11. I get like that too - it's not a good look when you're scratching like a cat with fleas!

  12. Oh no - hope you are ok Rachel.

    Thank you for sharing and linking.

  13. The pics are cute but you know we want PHOTOS!

  14. OUCH! What a terrible experience for you that would have been.

    Hope you are able to work out what caused this reaction.

  15. You should have gone with and pretended to be a zombie! You poor thing. Glad it's better now. I think it is definitely wise of you to avoid all cleaning in case it was a cleaning product.

  16. You poor thing! I too have sensitive skin. Hope it has cleared up and their are no repeat outbreaks.

  17. I have sensitive skin so most things give me a similar reaction too. I hope you were still able to enjoy your night and that you have since worked out what caused it - I love the picture!

  18. Oh dear. :-(
    I am not allergic to anything (touch wood).
    A great excuse to avoid the cleaning for a while longer :-)

  19. That's me after I eat shellfish.
