Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bowl me over...

On the weekend my husband and I took the girls bowling. It's been a little while but it was so much fun. We only played one game but if I am completely honest, if we continued I would have improved dramatically with each game. I hit my stride just before the end and only lost by a few points. My husband, on the other hand, was definitely going downhill.

We also challenged each other at car racing and air hockey. We are both a little competitive.

I lost everything. So, I will insist we continue playing all of them until I win and then we will never play again.

Are you a happy loser?

Even the bowling ball is saying "WT...??!!"

On Tuesdays I link up with IBOT at Essentially Jess


  1. happy 2013! really enjoyed reading a number of your entries. my faves was those related to botox. they were very helpful. i'm considering getting them for my frown lines. because i'm starting to look angry even when i'm wearing the poker face.

    1. Haha, I know how you feel. The angry lines are what got to me too. Rachel xx

  2. Haha! My husband once played Scrabble with me and he won. He has never played Scrabble again because he wanted to finish on a high.
    Happy bowling!
    (Love the shoes)
    Happy New Year
    Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit

    1. I did the same with Scrabble to my husband. No more Scrabble here and I am left the reigning champion. Rxx

  3. Not a happy loser, but to keep the peace i'll accept defeat. Until we get a basketball hoop and then she's on!

    1. We have never played with a basketball hoop. That is a great idea - gift for next Christmas too :)

  4. I've never been bowling! My kids think that I'm nuts!

  5. Happy New Year!! I Love bowling.. I might convince hubby to go bowling with the kids this weekend!!!!

    #teamIBOT was here :)

    1. I hope you do. My girls love it and have since they were really small. Rx

  6. It's been ages I haven't gone to bowling... I wish you a very Happy New Year Rachel!

  7. I don't do anything I don't win - bad personality trait of mine ;) have a wonderful 2013 xxxx

  8. I'd like to think I was a good loser and I am to my friends but I'm FIERCELY competitive with my husband, especially at backgammon, because he's awesome and I'm just learning. It can get pretty heated. Happy New Year Rachel!! Emily

    1. I love backgammon but I always lose to my husband and I can't stand it.

  9. Happy New Year, Rach! You can't help but feel special in those shoes can you? xx

    1. I love the shoes and I would have been happy to keep them. Happy New Year to you too.

  10. I absolutely suck at bowling, I always come last. It doesn't bother me though. Backgammon on the other hand? I'd rathe play all night than accept defeat! Happy new year xx

    1. Backgammon is excellent but I've been on a losing streak.

  11. I am not great at bowling but I like to do it all the same. Strangely I got better after we got a Wii and Dave and I had some serious bowling marathons on it!

  12. I am the least competitive person I know (except when it comes to myself !!!) but when we were a young married couple and went away for a weekend, we played pool (I had never played before) and I beat my husband a couple of times (so happy because I got to say "Mugs Away" for the start of the next game) but I don't think we have ever played again - every time he asks I have an excuse not to play !!!!
    Have the best 2013 !
    #IBOT visitor

  13. Yes bowling is quite a lot of fun, even if they do make you wear those daggy shoes!

    1. I love the shoes. I think they are my favourite part :)

  14. I'm okay with losing, but I hate it when it happens time and time again. Husband thrashes me at Wordsmith (I'm almost certain he cheats). I'm okay with it, but hate when he gets all cocky about it like it's an even playing field.

    Sounds like you had fun bowling. Hope 2013 brings wonderful things to your life :)

    1. Thank you , I hope 2013 is wonderful for you too x

  15. Love bowling. I have to take the kids during the holidays as they love it too. It's a great family day out. as for the sore loser thing. I don't mind losing but if I win I like to rub it in lol.

    1. My kids insist on bowling at least once in holidays. I love it because it's fun and you're moving.

  16. Oh I am super competitive, it's a family trait sadly and games night can get nasty. Luckily I usually win ;)

  17. I am the worlds most competitive Connect 4 player...I once made my poor nephew play 23 games in a row until I won :(

    1. Haha, I bet he never asks you to play anymore. Rx

  18. Happy New Year girl! Oh I love bowling...not an expert though but I just love it :)

  19. I am a terrible loser. My husband first said, "I love you" while playing a game of Monopoly (that I was losing) and I may or may not have told him to "shut up" back. Oops! Very sore loser here!

  20. ohhh it sounds like fun in theory... but i hate bowling because I'm so terrible at it ha ha #teamIBOT

  21. Happy New Year Rachel. I Love bowling but it’s been ages since I’ve gone.

  22. No, I'm not a happy loser but am learning to be a little more graceful in defeat for the sake of my kids! And I think a re-match for you guys is in order...!

    1. It's important to teach our kids how to be a good winner or loser. We have a rule that you can only call the other person a 'loser' once but you can really drag it out. Maybe I shouldn't be in charge of teaching the girls :)

  23. Haaa, I don't mind losing if I win every once in awhile.

  24. Sounds like fun. We haven't been for ages either, and never since my girls were old enough to properly join in. Might be on the cards for these school holidays I think!

  25. Exquisite composition. I wish you a 2013 full of dreams and hopes fulfilled.

  26. Bowling is so much fun isn't it? We went the other month and I was so excited to bowl three strikes straight up. Mind you barely got a pin down after that!

  27. We love bowling, and Boatman and I are both pretty evenly matched. I'd love to do it competitively but we don't really have the time or money at the moment.

  28. Your last few lines really made me laugh. An excellent approach in my books. I don't mind losing if there's a good competition and it's not clear who's going to win. It's the game I enjoy more than the result.

    Visiting from IBOT.

    1. Yes, I agree with that too. As long as it's an even match.

  29. Remind me to never bowl against you... I would defs crack under the pressure!

  30. Nah not a happy loser at all. Too competitive for my own good. And even if I win, I like to play to better myself. Sigh. I need help! Anyway, Happy New Year! Popped over from IBOT...
