Friday, January 11, 2013

Blogger Basics: 8 ways to build up your readership

When you first start blogging you are amazed that even one person managed to find your blog. Your biggest readers all have the same surname as you or happen to be in your circle of friends. After the excitement of one or two regular readers wears off, you start to wonder how people will find you.  Here are a few ways I increased and continue to increase my readers:
  1. Be a big reader and commenter on other blogs. I always try to leave a comment on any blog I visit. I think it is polite and...
    • The blogger will see your name, your insightful or hysterically witty comments and be interested enough to visit you; and
    • Their readers will also see your comment. Once again, if your comment is good, they might want to seek you out too.
  2. Guest post for bigger bloggers. Ideally, look for blogs with a similar audience to yours. When I started blogging I approached many bigger bloggers and asked if they accept guest posts. Write a post and send it to them for consideration. Make sure it's original material and hasn't been used anywhere else. Also include a bio, a good photo and all your links.
  3. Post regularly. It doesn't have to be everyday but visitors like to see fresh material. If I visit a blog that hasn't been active for a few months, I don't return.
  4. Create Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts under your blog name and make sure you share new posts on them.
  5. Share other peoples posts. When people know you are a sharer, they are more likely to want to share your posts too.
  6. Participate in linky parties. This is a great way to find new blogs to read, and get people to notice yours.
  7. Join blogger networking sites.
  8. If you can, attend a blogging conference. This is a great way to learn a lot, meet great people and get your name out there.
What have you found to be successful in building up your readers?


  1. What great tips thanks Rachel. I had never even.heard of linky parties til I I stumbled on FYBF, and I'd love to get organised and do some others. I never thought of doing a guest post either, I might hit some peeps up for that one day.
    Thanks for this post, bloggers are such helpful folk

    1. You are welcome! I'm excited to be hosting your guest post tomorrow :)

  2. Thank you for sharing this Rachel, it's such useful information. I still have so much to learn so have decided to host some guest posts, thought I'd jump in with both feet!

    1. I always jump in with both feet. It's usually the best way for me too

  3. Taking your advice straightaway and leaving a comment ;)

  4. These are great tips thank you! Just found you via the nuffnang linkup on Facebook. And I'm glad I did.

    I like the idea of approaching bigger blogs to do a guest post, I might just try that out!

    1. I'm glad you did too. Definitely do the guest posting, it helps so much.

  5. Wish I'd had this when I first started blogging, it took me ages to cotton on!
    I also submit posts to bigger sites like Mamamia & iVillage. Plus I think it's important to build a community, responding to comments, posting interesting content on FB... to maintain readership as well as increasing it. Blogging is such a learning curve! xx

    1. It took me ages too. It's great that you have been hitting the big guys :)

  6. Great tips Rachel. We don't usually have blogger conferences here but I try to attend events just to mingle and get to know other bloggers face to face too. It does help relationships better when you know others offline too I find :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. It is hard when you are so far away. I love meeting other bloggers, they are they only people that 'get us' x

  7. Thanks for some great tips there - always good to hear what works for other people so I can try it out too !
    Have the best day !
    #FYBF visitor

  8. There's always something to learn with blogging isn't there! Great tips, thank you.

  9. Yep, totally agree with you on all the tips there. Another way is also by actually interacting with the blogger outside of their blog - say on the other social media networks. When you build a relationship - a genuine one of course - people tend to want to know more about you hence = read your blog! ;)

  10. Thanks for the tips! I really want to grow my audience! :)

  11. Great tips - thanks. My blog is only 1 1/2 months old so I have some way to go!

  12. A blogging conference is something to aspire to for 2013. Thanks for the tips Rachel!

  13. Respond to comments and visit the blogs of those who comment on your site. Great tips. x

    1. Yes, I have found lots of people by visiting commenters blogs.

  14. I appreciate the tips - I think I also need to get more html and computer savvy! Emily :)

    1. I think I need to get more html and computer savvy too :)

  15. Great tips Rachel!! Now thinking of something incredibly witty to write... hmmm sorry I got nothing!! Karen.

  16. Great list, Rachel! I also like writing posts and linking them to other bloggers. Especially when they've inspired me to write that post. There's always a nice cuddly feeling when that happens :)

    1. Yes, that is a great tip too. It's great to refer and link to bloggers especially if they were your inspiration.

  17. Great tips! Blogging is a big learning curve for me.

  18. I wrote for ages and I still remember my first commentor. The crap I used to write (and sometimes still do..) I think you have outlined the best strategies perfectly. The core of it is community. Xxx

  19. Hi there!
    I am a blogging novice and have only JUST started! Thank you so much for these tips - I need all the help I can get!!! ;) I am going to take all these on board and go for it!

    I have a professional blog, and often wonder how much of my personal life I should share?

    Thanks again! Robyn x

    1. I guess it depends on the type of business it is and how personal you want to get :)

  20. Please join us for a Friday Flash Blog, where you can share your favorite posting of the week and see what others are talking about at

    And be sure to sign up on our site to get an email notice when the next Friday Flash Blog is live.

  21. Thanks Rachel for some great tips as I have been working on trying to grow my blog to the next stage but its not so easy!
    Your tips are very helpful see you at the next linky :)

    1. It is really is hard and time consuming work. Good luck!

  22. Great tips for a newbie blogger trying to figure out the blog thing:) Such a learning curve, but so appreciate experienced bloggers like yourself who share your tips! Thanks!

    1. You are welcome! I am happy to share what limited knowledge I have :)

  23. You are very good at all of these Rachel, especially commenting on other people's blogs. I know I always appreciate your comments!

  24. Great tips, as always :)
    I definitely find commenting helps, as long as it's a meaningful comment. Sometimes I don't have anything funny or intelligent to say (shocking I know) and then I struggle to leave a comment because I hate the fact that it probably won't make an impression.
    And the linky parties, always the linky parties! xx

    1. Haha, I know what you mean. You can't have your wit on all the time.

  25. Thanks for the tips, Good advice. i really should get better on facebook and twitter and I don't even have an instagram account, sacrilege I know!
    I would really like to attend a blogging conference though, that sounds like it would be really cool. X

    1. What!! No instagram and you call yourself a blogger :). No, seriously, you don't have to be in everything.

  26. Wonderful tips!!


  27. I'm still getting my head round blogging and trying to find my rhythm. It's a work in progress and I'm learning as I go. These tips will help thanks Rachel! I'm hoping to get to my first bloggers conference this year! Thanks also for visiting my blog and leaving comments. I really appreciate it! x

  28. Thanks for the tip about linky parties, hadn't heard of them before! )

  29. Great tips Rachel. I like to share on twitter posts I love, and it's an awesome feeling when someone likes your post enough to share it too xx

  30. Love the tips that you share, Rachel! I'll be going to my first conference in 2013 - daunting but exciting and so much learning to look forward to!

    1. You'll love it. I was terrified at my first but can not wait for my second.

  31. Thanks for the tips, Rachel! I've always wanted to guest blog for other bloggers, I just didn't have the confidence to approach them (Trying to talk to my fave bloggers is like talking to my fave celebrity. I might get star-strucked :P)
    But I guess I'll give it a try.


    1. Haha, I know, I get star stuck too but the ones I have met in person were so lovely and friendly. You can't lose anything by asking and sending an article for consideration. Good luck x

  32. Excellent tips! I definitely find the commenting to be the big one. When I first started blogging years ago I realised pretty quickly that if you don't participate in the community the community won't participate with you. And in the end that's the best part of blogging.

  33. Heavens what a lot of comments! I left a message on fb for you this morning, from the Declutterbug versus captain Stingypants. These are great tips,thanks for sharing them :)

  34. Great ideas, thanks for sharing! I was just going over my blog and the irratic numbers of views, even for low numbers, so this was timely!

  35. Awesome tips! I will be keeping them all in mind as I build my blog this year. Thanks so much for sharing.

  36. Great list here Rachel- I'd add, "Formulate a plan" :) (Where would you like to see yourself in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years? Who are you trying to talk to, what kinds of associations would you like to have? Income, recreation or community?)

    (AND I say this as someone who still HAS NO PLAN after almost 2 years. Oops. Maybe I'm still a newbie? :0 )

  37. Really helpful, thank you. I must try harder to get my blog seen!
