Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Getting Ready for the big day...

If you haven't heard, I am turning 40 on Sunday and I am heading into with a bang. My husband has insisted on a 40th party. I wasn't sure how I felt about it but now I am embracing it and I am ready to party.
My birthday checklist:
  1. Birthday Botox at Cozmedics. This is just between my eyebrows. I asked the Needle wielder if I should be freezing anywhere else and she kindly told me it wasn't necessary. I think she is my new best friend forever - Tick;
  2. Hair trim and colour. This is booked at Beautiful You on Wednesday. I'm not doing anything major this time and I am pretty sure my hairdresser wouldn't let me anyway;
  3. Natural, sun-kissed tan. Fake, of course - booked for Friday; 
  4. Amazing dress. I found a dress I'm completely love at Kitten D'Amour. I can not wait to show you - Tick;
  5. Lingerie to bring it all together - Tick;
  6. Sexy, strappy, high, high, heels made for strutting - Tick;
  7. Mani and Pedi for rich, red nails. This isn't booked yet, but I am sure I can fit it in; and
  8. An age defying facial, if my budget can extend to cover it.
What have I missed?

On Tuesdays I link up with Essentially Jess


  1. Have a beautiful birthday! Congratulations. X x

  2. Sounds like you have it all covered. Maybe a massage?

    I cannot wait to see the outfit!

  3. Happy Birthday!

    When I'm 40, I wish I look as good as you. You've done well in taking care of yourself.

  4. My 40th was the best birthday ever. I'm sure it will be for you.
    PS: You always succeed in making me feel like a dag. I'm sure that's your number one intention ;-)

    1. Yes, it's certainly my #1. I'm super happy I succeeded :)

  5. have a fantastic time! Forty and Fabulous!!

  6. Happy Birthday to you! Hope you have a fabulous day! :) x

  7. Happy Birthday Rachel! Mine was last weekend. Hope you have a great party. Love a natural fake tan. Can't wait to see your outfit!

  8. Sound like you got it all covered lovely, have the best week ever and live it up at the party.

  9. Well with all that you definitely will not be looking forty at all!
    Hope it's a fabulous party :)

    1. Thanks Jess! I am certainly enjoying the compliments x

  10. Hope you have an excellent time! Enjoy!

  11. Good on you gorgeous, you take care of yourself and you'll look and feel fab.

    I had a great party when I was 40, at home and my friend Nicole gave a hilarious speech. I had a fitted green linen dress which I'd found under extreme pressure but loved to death and still do. That's the dress I use as my fit or fat measure.

    Glad you are having a 40 fiesta, it's good to celebrate just being ourselves!

    1. That sounds like an awesome party. Green would look gorgeous on you, great choice!

  12. Happy Birthday Rachel, love your birthday preparations!

  13. Happy birthday, seems you have everything covered and are going to look absolutely gorgeous at your party. Congratulations xx

  14. Sounds like you'll be even more gorgeous than usual! Have fun preparing for the big day!

  15. Oooo that sounds divine - Happy Birthday - I'm also a February girl - the 15th! I'm five years shy of 40 but plan to have a big party for mine, by then I will have all 3 kids in school, and my life will be slowly getting back on track! I'm sure there's no need to ask you to please post pics of you in your finest! Em x

  16. The ultimate getting ready playlist!
    Sounds amazing. I didn't even do half of those things before my wedding. Another reason I'll never do a style post!
    Enjoy the big night. Happy (almost) birthday!

  17. I bet you're going to look amazing! (but then, you always do). Enjoy all the pampering, you totally deserve it xx

  18. Have a wonderful party, big Happy Birthday for Sunday xx

  19. I hope you are going to share lots of pics! Sounds like you have it all covered, maybe just fit some time in for a pre party cocktail with your family before the madness of the party!
    Happy Birthday for Sunday x

  20. Woohoo! Welcome to the Fabulous and Forty Club, hun! You're gonna love it! Looks like you'll be starting off in great party spirits too! Woot!

  21. Great list, it sounds like you're ready to party. Happy birthday!

  22. Hope you have a fabulous birthday party! Sounds like it will be an event fit for a queen!

  23. oooo sounds like you are ready to paint the town red for your birthday!! Love love love it!!!

  24. You're all set! I'm sure you are going to have a great time! Happy Birthday Rachel!

  25. HAPPY 40TH. Fabulous to read your preps. I'm not far off myself - though I'm planning to be in a spanish speaking country a long way away from anyone and anything too familiar :)

  26. You're going to have a fabulous weekend! Dint think you've missed a thing, looking forward to seeing all the pics :)

  27. Can't believe you will be 40!!!!! Have an amazing party, and awesome year ahead full of laughter and love xxxxxx

  28. Happy Birthday for Sunday- looking good! If you can strut in heels (unlike my wonky self) you GO girl! #teamIBOT

  29. Happy birthday for Sunday - don't forget a little tipple of champagne before the guests arrive.

  30. Happy birthday in case I miss the big day! Great that you're treating yourself - why not?! You only turn 40 once ;) Mine isn't until next year.

  31. my goodness - your list sounds absolutely perfect!
    haven't missed a thing!
    can't wait to see your dress!
    happy 40th on Sunday xx

  32. Have a lovely birthday! You look stunning for 40. I just wish I was turning 40 again.....maybe that is, I wish I wasn't getting older so fast! I'd do 30 or 35 again if I could too. :-P
