Thursday, February 28, 2013

My 5 favourite smells and a few shockers

I love smells. They take you back in time, make you remember, feel happy or content. Smell also has the ability to make you sad, dry retch or hold your nose.

My 5 favourite smells
1. The rain on the road. I love that you can smell it before the rain hits.
2. Lemongrass. You can't go wrong with Lemongrass. I love it in melts, oils, perfume, cleaning products and cooking.
3. The beach. Sand, salt, sunscreen, these are the smells of happiness.
4. Florabotanica. This is my favourite perfume at the moment. I think it's perfection.
5. Bacon. Even a lifelong vegetarian like me can appreciate the salty, smoky scent of bacon on a barbecue.
The Bad
1. There aren't many things as bad as heavy body odour. There is no excuse.
2. Stinky feet. I once had a friend with the worst foot odour and she would insist on driving without her shoes on. I was like a labrador with my head out the window, trying to stuck up every drop of fresh air I could. I would make all sorts of excuses to avoid hopping into her car in winter
3. Rotten potato. There is nothing like it.
4. Over ripened blue vein cheese. It smells a lot like #2
5. Giorgio Beverley Hills. The worst perfume ever. A had a boyfriend that bought me a bottle for my 16th birthday. I had to break up with him. Opium is a close second.
Image source - my own. Feel free to steal.
What is your favourite smell? Even more important, what do you hate?

"I hope heaven smells like Chanel and money" - Mimi Wernicke 7yo


  1. Yes to all the good smells.
    One of my faves is the smell of grass on a hot day.
    As for the bad ones - BO and rotten potato are right up there for me.

  2. I love the smell of rain on freshly cut grass.

  3. my favourite would have to be hot BBQ chicken. LOVE IT

    1. I worked at chicken world well I was younger. Roast chicken smelt great - but I never ate it :)

  4. Best: fresh sheets.
    Worst: our wheelie bin when I drag it to the curb on Mondays.

  5. I love the smell of Rosemary and of freshly ground coffee. I love the smell of bread baking (although I don't eat bread). My favourite smell ever though, would have to be the smell of my newborns - I think that is a very primal thing.

  6. I love newborn baby smell - rain on the road when it's been hot. Worst - wheelie bin for SURE x

  7. How could you not mention coffee?

  8. I've only recently learnt of my love of lemongrass. I think when it came to candles and such I always just skipped right to vanilla, but I smelt lemongrass about a month ago and have been going a little nutters buying stuff!

    1. I'm still nutso about it. I use a lemongrass soap that I love.

  9. Hello hello! I am a lover of lemongrass... deep love!! Pears too, cinnamon... and a fantastic chai scent I bought when I made my own candles, it's gorgeous!

  10. I use to volunteer at an aged facility. You are right. The memories are good but the smells are terrible.
