Friday, February 8, 2013

The 20s, 30s and 40s

As you probably already know, my 40th birthday is only days away. It has got me thinking about the last few decades.

The 20s - The Selfish Decade
The twenties were all about me. I broke off an engagement with my teen sweetheart. I met my love, I worked long, long hours for law firms that didn't give a rats. I wine and dined clients, lost nights in nightclubs with friends and ate too many rich meals in restaurants.

My heart was broken when my father died suddenly at 49 years old. This was my first taste of death and the biggest shock of my life.
I got engaged and married.
The 30s - The Mummy years
I had a miscarriage shortly after I turned 30yo. It was only then that I realised I wanted children. I had my first later that year and my second when I was 32yo. 

First there was Stompy...
..then there was Mimi.
I discovered that I enjoyed running and I wasn't complete crap at it. I competed in fun runs and even won a medal.
We bought and sold a few houses. This was our first house and it was barely bigger than a shed. We were so proud of it.
My girls grew up a little, started school and found their own personalities.
 We holidayed and partied
 With my gorgeous niece on Coronet Peak in New Zealand

(Pretending to be JLo and Marc Anthony but not quite pulling it off)
And spent a lot of time with family.
I can't begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to the next decade, because they seem to keep getting better.


  1. I'm so sorry about your dad Rachel, how tragic and shocking. only five years older than my now.
    You are looking awesome! Bring on 40, here's hoping there's many other opportunities to dress up as J.Lo in the next decade! Or maybe even Lady Gaga? Hehehe.

    1. Thanks Sarah, My husband is 45, so it bring home how young 49 is. Lady Gaga? That's would take some effort :)

  2. ALthough I have a slightly different story- it's funny, the themes of your decades are the same as mine!
    I turned 40 last year, and I remember feeling exactly the same about the decades getting better, and now that I'm looking down the barrel of 41, I can say so far, we're right. The decades do get better :)

  3. Lovely post, thanks for sharing the photographs and tales with us.

  4. Great photos! I also broke off an engagement in my early 20's. Imagine if I'd never married the hubster! Tragic!

  5. I loved seeing all those photos, you clearly have a blessed life. Sorry about your Dad. I lost my Dad in my 20s, it certainly makes you appreciate & hold on to those you love. Enjoy your 49th

    ~ Jodi

    1. Thanks Jodi, not so blessed but it certainly has some nice bits. So sorry about your Dad, I know how shattering losing a parent can be. Rxx

  6. What a lovely lovely post Rachel! Great photos and I liked reading about your past years. So sorry about your dad. This photo of you as JLo and your husband as Marc Anthony is priceless!

    1. Thank you, it was fun to look back over photos for the post and reminisce. Rxx

  7. I've been following you for quite awhile now and have noticed a change in your posts as of late. More personal(so many pics of your hubs now and your time together as a family!) and introspective.
    Best wishes for this milestone and hopes that you find yourself stronger, happier and even more fab in your 40's!
    Happy Birthday

    1. Hi Anonymous, I haven't really thought about a change of direction. I think with the upcoming 40th it has made me look back. It's certainly not a boring theme I want hanging around. I have some fun non-personal posts planned so stay tuned :)

  8. Love all of these photos.

    Your girls are gorgeous and that first house was adorable!

  9. I love being in my 40s (turned 43 at the end of January) I'm far more comfortable in my own skin. I remember when I turned 30, I could see how far I'd come from 20, when I thought I knew everything, and didn't. I grew so much from 30 to 40.

    Love the photos, thanks for sharing. You have a beautiful family. Xxx

    1. I can see why people would be more comfortable. Thank you for sharing too. Rachel x
