I imagine you are wondering why anyone would need to "Mystery shop" a blogger. Well it happens. I am a finalist for the 'New Business of the Year' and one of the final stages is being Mystery shopped.
Yes, I drew this awesome picture. Feel free to use the image. |
So, I have been waiting for the 'shopper'. I have had a few mistaken identities. That's cool. I thought it was done and dusted and I was impressed with how the company 'Mystery shopped' me. Until I received a call that went a little like this:
(Star Wars ring tone, ringing, ringing.....)
Me: Hello
AMS: (alleged mystery shopper): What are your open hours?
Me: Hi, well this is Rachel from Redcliffe Style, I am a blogger so my hours are varied. I seem to be open all the time
AMS: You are a blogger..um.....what do you write about?
Me: blah, blah, awesome stuff, blah, blah, me, me, beauty, fashion, reviews of products, restaurants etc life, me, me and me,
AMS: Are you objective in your reviews?
Me: Yes but kind.
AMS: Ok, thank you
Me: Err, can I help you with anything?
AMS: Not today. Good bye
Me: Ok, bye
I wonderer if this was my Mystery Shopper? It kinda lacked some mystery. Maybe it really was a genuine person but they were looking for a subjective blogger?
Anyhoo, If you are a mystery shopper and would like some tips on how to shop a blogger, here are a few suggestions:
1. First, try to give the blog a quick read
2. Maybe ask them how they would feel about reviewing a certain product
3. You could talk about advertising on the blog
4. You could comment on the blog and/or email them about something they have written asking for more info?
I have a heap of other suggestions too. If you are a mystery shopper trying to shop me, you can email me and ask :)
PS: Please note, as usual this is all written lightheartedly.
PSS: I have actually been a mystery shopper and members of my family have been mystery shoppers. I get it :).
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