Friday, May 25, 2012

What a pain in the butt... Personal trainer Pete Sargent is.  Pete encouraged, guided, and pushed me to complete a 50min workout on my butt. That is a fairly long time to be working just one area. I am feeling okay right now but can't help but be concerned about the pain that will arrive tomorrow.

Pete I love you and think you are awesome, but I am pretty sure I won't be saying that tomorrow.

Peter Sargent workouts at Genesis Rothwell
Ph: 3204 9300

PS: I have linked up with BBeing Cool


  1. if your butt is not sore you are an alien lol

    1. Woke up this morning and I am definitely not a alien. Haha. Thanks for your comment. Rx

  2. Haha! Funny! Let us know how you end up!

    Thanks for the chuckle - and thanks for linking in with #teamfriday


    1. Hi B, It's sore but not as bad as I was anticipating. I can walk, just. :) Rachel x

      PS: I love your Friday link. Lots of great healthy finds.
