Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Lola Versus Review and a giveaway

Lola Versus is an Indie rom-com starring Greta Gerwig. I really like Greta and have enjoyed her in other movies. She has a lovely, natural acting style. She isn't over the top. Nothing ruins a movie for me faster than overacting.
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Early in the movie Lola gets dumped by her fiancé and her life starts to fall apart. She goes from being in a long relationship and only sleeping with one person to becoming (in her words) 'slutty but a good person'. Maybe that's normal. Maybe many people go from one extreme to the other.
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The Highlights
Creepy but cute Ebon Moss-Bachrach as a well endowed, roller blading, lover of fresh fish.
Debra Winger and Bill Pullman as Lola's parents - They are new age and free loving.
Henry. The nice guy best friend. I'm sure every woman falls in love with him.
It's set in NY. I love anything set in NY.
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The Lowlights
Self sabotaging decisions Lola makes. A few times I wanted to reach into the screen and slap her.
A few clichés. I am glad there wasn't any sad, dumped girl eating ice cream scenes.

The good news is that she does smarten up.


Roadshow Entertainment have given me 5 copies to give away! If you would like to own this movie, all you have to do is:
  1. Leave a comment either here or on facebook telling me why you would like to win a copy of this DVD.
  2. Enter prior to 6am on 20 November 2012.
If you would like to 'like' Redcliffe Style on Facebook that would be cool too.

Lola Versus is available to rent & own on DVD, Blu-ray and digital download from 21 November 2012

I have not received payment to review or host a giveaway. All opinions are my own.

On Tuesdays I link up with IBOT at Essentially Jess


  1. Ooh did you mention adult escape time?? That got me listening. Looks like a fun movie too. Would be a much desired novelty to pop on a movie that's not Toy Story or Monsters Inc.... Count me in!

  2. I don't watch many movies, but this looks like a good one.

    I must admit though.. I will be going to see the last Twilight Movie.. eeek.. There I said it.

  3. This movie looks like fun. It sounds perfect for a stress free, relaxing girls night in. I'd love to win it.

    I follow you on facebook and I've shared this post on facebook.

  4. Looks like a great movie for a girls night in.

  5. Looks like a great movie to sit back and chill too

  6. oh dont you hate it when you want to slap someone through the screen!! xx

  7. Hello, there's nothing like a good romcom to blow away the blues. My husband used to watch them with me, but after the children... doesn't seem to happen any more! Life can be serious and there's nothing like a bit of fluff and romance to help us breeze through.

  8. I'd like to win because my hubby wouldn't want to watch this.. a definite me time movie to watch! I'll send him to the park with the kids!

  9. i would love to win as i love my time to watch movies and this one looks fabulous.


  10. I love RomComs; I could watch it all day long; especially if they have got an happy ending; which most do have :) With a great cast this movie it can't go wrong. I can't wait to see it. By the way I have liked and shared your Facebook page as well. :)

  11. A movie with a slapable main character - my hand would be itching too! I'm so not good at watching movies - my eyes always insist that it's time to catch up on zzzzzz - nothing at all about my concentration span lol ;)

  12. I never get a chance to get out of the house and see movies anymore so I am always looking for a good DVD to buy or borrow from my sisters for the nights when Dave is working overtime and I am home alone and don't feel like blogging. This sounds good, and the fact that it is set in New York alone is reason enough for me to want to watch it!

  13. I would like to win, just because who wouldn't want to win it? Sounds like a great movie

    Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses #teamIBOT

  14. Hey I'm a huge fan of rom-com's so I'm all for it!

  15. I'd love to win this movie because Lola reminds me of the best friend of my character in the story I am writing for NaNoWriMo!!!

  16. I love your movie reviews!

    I also love anything set in New York.... Would love to win this... B

  17. LOVE Greta as well so I'd love to win a copy. I just hope she doesn't end up with someone at the end of it cos I'm tired of books, shows and movies where someone is heartbroken but then meets someone else.

    I'm the sort of person it DOESN'T happen to in real life! Single for-bloody-ever.


  18. How could I resist watching a movie that has the same name as your adorable, photo-bombing, dog?!

    Looks like the sort of movie I would really enjoy!

  19. This movie looks right up my alley!! Pretty please can I have a copy?

    ~ Jodi

  20. Love a good rom-com! And now I've got a TV in the bedroom I could watch it while the hubster watches endless cricket matches ;)

  21. Got to love romantic comedies! My favourite type in fact! Yes, please! :)

  22. This looks like my kind of movie. I didn't realise Greta Gerwig was who she is - I love her movies :)

  23. This sounds like a great dvd that I could easily use as an excuse to call the girls around for a girls night in! They are few and far between, so this would be the perfect incentive! Thankyou for the opportunity

  24. Sounds good. I love anything indie and will generally choose it over Hollywood blockbuster any day.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I'd love to watch because it's been ages since I watched a chick flick and I need something to laugh with, cry with and feel better with.

    Have liked on FB!

    kingkongsale @ gmail.com

  27. With a large family we don't get out too much and we watch a lot of movies at home. I haven't seen this one and would love to :)

  28. I'd like to win because I hate mainstream rom-coms and chick flicks, but the Indie ones I absolutely love!


  29. Well, I've been feeling a little stressed lately, and I'm a sucker for a cliché romance movie.


  30. Oh, this movie looks great!

    I'd love to win a copy to help recover from the trauma of sitting through 10 minutes of 'The Shaggy Dog' last night.

  31. Thank god...real life story! No violence, crazy car chases, guns...:) love to see this movie!


  32. I'm a big fan of indie movies, the quirkier the better! I love character films that depend on great acting, and the story of Lola Versus sounds interesting, too. I'd love to watch it! Liked you on FB (Dianne Childs) :)

  33. Always nice shedding some happy tears.

  34. I have 3 beautiful, noisy kids under 3... not sure what you mean by grown up time [LOL], but I would love some of that... especially spending it watching a good girlie movie.
    I would really love to win :)
