Monday, November 26, 2012

Dinner guests' manners - 10 things that drives me nuts

There are a few things that drive me nuts at the dinner table. I am sure I drive other people crazy too and you can feel free to write all about it on your own blog.
I really must be the worst hostess ever because here are 10 things that will make me want to poke a fork in my eye:

1. Arriving late without calling. Dinner can only cook for so long and the meal I prepared may go past the point of delicious after another 1hr staying warm in the oven. I really would like to serve you something yummy.
2. Starting to eating before everyone has taken their seat.
3. Reaching across people to grab things. I will bite your arm. It might be an accident but it might not be. Is it worth the risk?
4. Taking massive portions and not leaving enough for others. I am hungry too, don't make me hangry as well.
5. Double dipping. Pour some sauce onto your plate. Happily double, triple or quadruple dip into your germy sauce. I won't criticise or judge you when it's all your own.
6. Pointing cutlery at people when you talk or scratching your back with your fork.
7. Talking with your mouth full. Unless you are giving emergency, life-saving advice, keep it shut.
8. Applying tomato sauce or seasoning without tasting the dish first. Everyone has their own taste preferences, but taste it first to see whether it's to your taste or not first.
9. Bringing an extra guest without notice. Huh? Yes, it happens.

But the worse thing EVER, and I will forgive EVERYTHING else...

10. Turning up without a delicious bottle of wine (or two) for the delightful hostess.

What drives you nuts at your table? Rant away.....


  1. My worst ever is double dipping.

  2. The turning up late thing is my worst nightmare. The worst example of it is my SIL who turned up 2hrs late for Christmas lunch,.

    1. I know people like this. I can't understand why they think it's ok

  3. I ALWAYS shove salt on food before tasting it. My name is Sarah and i am a hardcore salt addict. Forgive me!

  4. Double dipping is a big no no in this house. If we have guests for dinner it means we have too many people in the house for the size of the table. So we usually do rounds, kids eat first.

    People scratch their backs with the fork they are going to put in their mouth? Yuk!

  5. Too funny! I could actually picture someone for each of those unexcusable behaviours listed above! Mine is definately having to wait for those later arrivers... It drives me mental! If I know guests are inclined to do that then I tell them to arrive 30 minutes earlier... That makes them on time!

    As a guest I hate waiting for them... Screw them if they don't own a watch! I'm hugry and will start without you!

    Sophie xo

    1. I always tell my husband 30mins earlier than the real time

  6. YES! Yes yes yes. As someone who would rather be an hour early to something than five minutes late, I definitely hear you on the first one. And the second. And third... Okay, great list!

    If I can flip it though, I'd add that the host has a part to play there too. If dinner is running later than planned, then just say so. Offer more nibbles. SOMETHING! Don't just smile at your guests arriving at 7.30 and then invite them to sit down at 9.00. (They won't need to. They will have already fainted.)

    1. I agree, always tell your guests when dinner is delayed. They might have to get somewhere else too.

  7. Haha! I love this...

    I was caught double dipping on the weekend! I was at a kids' party, I had a sausage roll. I was talking to my best friend in the whole world who I haven't seen forever and forgot I had a) already dipped and b) already taken a bite when I dipped it again. Oh the shame!

    I emptied the sauce, washed out the bowl and restocked it.... Everyone laughed more at my reaction than the double dipping!

    1. At least you were aware and dealt with the situation :)

  8. Well, I think you covered it all Rachel! For me, it's point 1 really the worst... I have seen people arriving an hour or two late for dinner... Not nice.

  9. Number 2 and 8 are in my top 3 hates along with people who eat like they have wings and are preparing for flight! Tuck your elbows in people, no seaugulls at my dining table thank you.

  10. DEFINITELY number 8! Oh my god I cannot stand when someone sits at my table, and before they have even touched their food, they reach straight for the salt and pepper. Are you serious? You don't even know what it tastes like? A few family members are notorious for this, so I'm considering serving them up the SALTIEST FOOD EVER next time they come over.

  11. LOL - I sat here nodding my head to every single point you made !! I won't even serve tomato sauce to guests and I won't cook A breakfast because he puts tomato sauce on it !!!
    My boss does the whole salt thing without tasting his food - I have told his PA to put so much salt in and then let him put more on and see whether he likes it or not - she said he probably wouldn't notice and she is probably right !
    Asking for tea with a meal also drives me nuts - tea/coffee you can have after your meal - NOT with your meal !
    Have a great day !

    1. Tea and coffee is ALWAYS after. Who would drink it during?

  12. I can't stand it when people are late. To ANYTHING! It's the height of rudeness, I think! Last Christmas we had a surprise dinner guest. It was my cousin who we all thought was overseas. It was a nice surprise, but I suddenly went into panic mode b/c we were already squished around the table and I was worried there wouldn't be enough food! Surprises are nice but it's nicer to be prepared for an extra dinner guest, esp at Christmas!

  13. I sometimes wonder if my hubby was brought up by pack dogs with his manners, or lack of at the dinner table, even when we have guests. It's embarrasing.

  14. My pet peeve is eating with their mouth open.. the sound makes my blood curdle, not to mention, if I wanted to see a half masticated cow coming out of your mouth, I would sit in front of the mirror and watch myself eat... gergh!!

    Love this post!

    Luc X

  15. My pet peeve is when someone arrives and announces, "I'm a vegetarian". I always ask if there are dining preferences when I invite someone for dinner. Then is when I should be told I'm a Vegan or diabetic or on weight watchers.. etc. My step daughter did this to me at a barbeque... Well she ate potato salad...

  16. Great pet peeves you have there! Can't stand when you tell people NOT to bring or make anything, but they do anyway. Then you end up with a ton of food that doesn't get eaten and most of it wasted.
