Friday, November 2, 2012

Weekly blogging schedule

Organised Chaos is how I describe my blogging schedule.

In real life I am very organised and time efficient. So much so, that it drives my husband nuts. I think I must have gotten it from my father. He was in the Army for quite a while and he was very much a 'rules boy'.

I would love to have posts scheduled for weeks in advance. Occasionally, I am a week in advance but usually it's just one day. It could be worse.
This is my ideal weekly plan.

Fresh as a daisy. Monday is an easy day to post. Whatever my heart desires but I would prefer it to be beauty or fashion related.

This is an excellent blogging day for visits and comments. Half my motivation is because I form part of "Team IBOT". This is a team formed by Jess from Diary of a SAHM (soon to be Essentially Jess) and I can't be part of the team and not participate. IBOT is a great link to share your Tuesday post. You get a lot of visits and comments and in return you must do a lots of comments. It's a great day for sharing 'important' posts, like giveaways.

I love taking photos and I love Wordless Wednesdays. This is another link with My Little Drummer Boys and Twinkle in the eye. Wednesdays are like a big breath after a quick run.

Ideally, I would like to write about something blogging related. Like this post or tools. applications etc. This I need to focus on a bit more. Which means I need to learn a bit more :)

Another ideally, but if I haven't already done it, I like to include something local about my area. I like to be able to write about something I did locally and share a business, meal or person etc. Also, on Friday it is great to share your favourite post of the week with FYBF (Flog your blog Friday). This is a great link with With some Grace.

I don't usually blog on Saturday, but if I do a Vlog, I like to share it on Saturdays. Why? I'm not sure but it's just my vlogging day. If I have written a post during the week relating to blogging I'll share it on Styling You.

My day off. On this day I should be ignoring all things on-line but usually I am thinking about Monday's post.

Rinse and repeat.

This schedule is not written in stone, more like in the sand on a really windy day. I allow myself to mix up the days but I do like to try to include a mix over the week.

Also, in between my posts I squeeze in articles I write for an on-line magazine, social media commitments, guest posts and Blog Power Events responsibilities.

What is your blogging schedule like?


  1. I need to get organised and put together a schedule. I like your more relaxed style rather than specific topics. xx

    1. It certainly helps me if I have a schedule. It's gives me a direction. Rxx

  2. My blogging schedule is non existent. Soem weeks I don't write at all, others I can sit at work on Monday and if it's quiet enough, bang out an IBOT, Wordless Wednesday and Thankful Thursday all in one afternoon. Other days I sit at the computer thinking I want to write but have absolutely nothing to say. I like that there's a meme/linkup just about every day, so if you don't have anything in particular to write about, you can still find something to blog and share that keeps you active in the community at least. Then some weeks i just want to hit "delete" and walk away from it all!

    1. Some days I want to hit 'delete' too. I wonder why I put so much pressure on myself. Rx

  3. Like your approach Rachel. I'm still random with my posts with the exception of my weekly 'mummy swap' challenges where I trial various parenting scenarios/ styles. I like having that challenge, as it's a no-brainer x

  4. I've been seriously thinking about getting more organised this week. At the moment, my schedule is more like bits of note pad paper with ideas jotted on them... It's time I got them all in one central place!
    Looks like you've got a good little routine going :)

  5. I've only just starting getting a schedule together - on Monday I do library tours, Wednesday is Squirm's book reviews and Friday is Smell the Roses. But then there's lots of posts around that.

    Last week I wrote a calendar of posts. It was the best thing ever - left me room to add more, but I knew I was always going to have something

  6. I follow a general routine and like you wish I had weeks of posts in the bank.... Sometimes I get ahead and sometimes I am up at night writing for the next day (if it is one of my "set topic" days) I do simplify your life on Mondays, IBOT on Tuesday where I write a personal development or household type post, Thursday I cover whichever I did not do on Tuesday and Friday is gratitude. I used to post 6-7 days a week but dropped to 4 with a bonus Wednesday when needed. It is much better for my mental health LOL

  7. My schedule is pretty loose, and I'm currently reworking it after Blogtoberfest, but I'm thinking something along the lines of maybe IBOT Tuesdays, WIP Wednesdays and then either a Finished Project Friday or a Fiction Friday, depending on what I've been working on. Saturday's are Bloggers Boogie, and Sunday is Sunday Snippets/My Week According to Instagram linkies

  8. Goodness me!! You are into structure!! I'm more an organic blogger. I write whenever the need takes me. Lately I've only been blogging once a week due to sick kids, study & life in general so I always save my one & only post for IBOT :)

  9. A few weeks in advance? That's amazing! I usually try to get a week in advance in, or at least a day. I don't have a usual schedule of topics except for the Wordless Wed LINKY (join me too? Haha) I host weekly, but I try to just post on Tue, Wed, Fri and Sun to get some scheduled rest and enjoy life offline :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  10. I write about beauty and fashion on Mondays for The Surprise Beginning's Really, Really Ridiculously Good Looking Monday linkup.

    I write about whatever I wish on Tuesday for I Blog on Tuesdays with Essentially Jess.

    I share photographs on Wednesday with Wordless Wednesday with Twinkle in the Eye and My Little Drummer Boys.

    On Thursdays, I was writing about something special for Thankful Thursday with Kate Says Stuff. I know this post has moved to I Heart Life but I think I might just keep Thursdays as a day off or whatever I feel like as I think I'm involved in too many linkies!

    On Fridays, it is my day off and I don't usually blog - I seem to spend hours catching up on all the links that I haven't had a chance to do so yet! I also try to write for the week ahead.

    On Saturdays, I like to post something family orientated.

    On Sundays, I put out my newsletter and write for the week ahead, if I get any spare time.

    Lately, because of Frocktober I've been blogging sometimes twice daily and now I've decided to join in with Borne Naked Handbag Blog for BAG-vember, so I'll be doing more daily posts.

  11. I'm still in the plotting stages for my new blog - though I have a dozen posts written, ready to go. I was thinking IBOT is a must, and Wordless Wednesday looks like fun!

    Thanks for sharing and motivating me!

  12. I'm super-impressed. My schedule? Non-existent. I blog when I have something to write about, something to get off my chest, and when the mood strikes me. Unfortunately, that sometimes means I blog every day, but other times means I am feeling too flat to put words together. Other times, I can't think about anything else until I just let it all fall out of my hands! Funnily enough, I'm something of a control freak in other areas of my life. Writing however? Not too much into discipline. It's my release.

  13. I love that you've got your head around a schedule - it doesn't have to be set in stone - but it helps you to keep your mind focussed I think x

  14. We bloggers do live a busy life.. especially when we comment on all the blogs on the days we do linkups!! :)

    I must get more organised..

    FYBF :)

  15. Ah, you and I are similar in the way we schedule. Keeps things ticking over, but not without some whimsy...

    Great post, and amazing sharing the love as always.

  16. My 'schedule' is that I jump online when Ashleigh has a nap that's lasted longer than an hour (and therefore the house is relatively tidy and distraction-free), and either type something out or check my drafts. When I think of the militant schedule I used to stick to in my corporate days, I wonder what happened!

  17. Schedule. Lol. If only. I keep meaning to, but my writing is such a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of thing. I'm almost never ahead.

  18. Like a lot of the other commenters I would love to have a schedule but I can't just bung out a post in 15 minutes and I can only write when I'm inspired and in the mood so I'm usually writing posts late at night for the next day. I have fallen into a routine of sorts when I normally blog Tue (IBOT), Thur (Thankful Thursday), Fri (FYBF), Sat and Sun (one of my musical musings posts). I don;t want to write to a particular topic on these days but I am slowly finding a rhythm and finding which posts work best on which day. It's all a bit of trial and error, isn't it?

  19. I've got no real schedule at the moment but I do love to participate in IBOT, Thankful Thursday and FYBF. I've just become a regular contributor with Bub Hub as well as Aussie Mum Network. On top of all that I'm trying to help Dadabulous out with a project for his software business. I think he wants me to start techno-blogging. Gawd help me.

  20. Thanks for sharing this Rachel. As a newbie blogger these are the helpful tips and advice.
    The style of your schedule and flexibility you allow yourself really speaks to me.

  21. It's good to have a schedule. I have one but I don't follow it as well as I could! Oh, you are one of my "plus fours" on With Some Grace, swinging by to say Oha! Kx

  22. My shcedule looks a lot similar to yours... a rough idea for each day, some days mroe full on than others, but nothing set in stone.
    And I almost always write the post and publish it as soon as I'm done... hardly ever am organised enough to schedule anything!

  23. Now Rachel, this looks much, much more like organised organisation than it does organised chaos. I really do like the idea of having this type of structure to give your posting focus - I tried something a bit more haphazard than this and it wasn't good .. so now it's seat of the pants stuff, and that's not good either! I think I'd like to put this type of overview in place, I'm onto it ;)

  24. Man that is organised. If only for me!!!!
    Visiting via Styling YOU

  25. Thanks for that Rachel! I'm so disorganized with my blogging. I have a little bub so try to fit it in when I can. Would love to commit to some sort of schedule!

  26. Organic blogging for me. I know I cannot commit to daily or almost daily posting with my work schedule and current lifestyle. I also find I can only write when inspired and I can't control when that inspiration will hit. I like seeing how other bloggers plan it out though. It's very helpful. :-)

  27. Love your organised but flexible approach. Think I need something like that myself!


  28. You have a nice rhythm and flow there. The thing with doing a blog about multiples, (well I cover other things, but the triplets are dominating the attention since they arrived on the scene!) is the multiples make it hard for you to get to the computer! Now their first year is over, I'm hoping that I'll get more of a schedule happening. For now, I try to post twice a week. Sometimes it's only once. Thursdays are my blogging morning. Other than that I squeeze time in when I can.

  29. This is a great schedule to have - structured enough to allow change. With Shop Me Chic, we tend to plan our posts up to 2 weeks in advance, but will swap posts out and in if we think there is something more relevant to run. It certainly helps me feel organised!

  30. This is a great post - I need to get some organisation and inspiration into my blog...this is a great help! Cheers, Mez
