Friday, December 7, 2012

It's stuck in my head

People are talking about this video. It's John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John singing a Christmas song. The song had the same writer as Grease and has two directors. I love Grease, so that sounds promising, right?

I couldn't resist watching if to see if it was as cringe worthy as everyone said.

The answer is yes x100.

Where do you start? JT wardrobe or hair, JT plane flying, ONJ slow driving & singing, Kelly Preston and Travolta children randomly at the airport, JT & ONJ matching red (Star trek?) shirts. etc etc. 
The only problem is, now the song is stuck in my head and I find myself singing it ALL THE TIME.  Auughhh!!!

Have you had an embarrassing song stuck in your head? What was it?


  1. Oh my goodness. Thank you for that! I always wondered what kind of music clip I could make if I only had $10. Now I know.

  2. I'm disturbed at the fact they were singing about making love to each other, yet his wife plays such a heavy role in the film clip.

  3. Haha, that is scary. Now I have to get rid of the song too. Thanks Annie

  4. oh dear. that is terrible. i still love them both tho.

    1. It is terrible. You have to wonder why they felt the need to do this?

  5. Gosh, that was unfortunate. If you stop singing that, I will stop singing Midnight at the Oasis. Deal?
    I would be tailgating ONJ and blasting my horn if she drove that slow. I guess she didn't want to upset her hair..I did like her boots though.

    1. The slow driving was crazy slow. I think she would have looked better a little wind blown. Great boots.

  6. Oh good lord there's 3 minutes of my life I will NEVER get back!
    As for a catchy song, Metro Trains has recently released a song and clip to promote train safety called "Dumb Ways to Die". It's actually massively, massively catchy. Check it out if you dare - you'll have the song caught in your head all day...!

  7. 1. Does he not realise his hair is ridiculous and we know it's fake? Shave it off! You're still handsome without hair! Well, the teeth are a bit strange...but still!

    2. What is wrong with people that they first make and then watch this, and go "yeah, that's good. Let's not keep it as a personal funny to be shared amongst the family for a laugh, let's release it to the world."???

    3. These ladies are starting to look all that ONJ or Meg Ryan?

    and finally:

    4. Does anyone remember the point at which John Travolta became so uncool? I mean, his parts in PULP FICTION and GET SHORTY were some of the coolest performances ever! Not to mention Welcome Back, Kotter and of course Danny in Grease...This clip? Not so much...

  8. I kind of like it...LOL, yeah it is a little corny but hey, theirs isn't the only corny Christmas song!
