Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Walking Dead in Lego

I have been watching 'The Walking Dead' and I love it. I download each episode as it becomes available and can not wait until I can sit quietly and get my fix. Now I see walkers (zombies) everywhere.

I was walking passed my daughters abandoned lego game and this is what I saw.

Obviously it's all over for the headless lady, I am assuming that's Lori but I am concerned that the blonde may be Andrea.
Hershel Greene's deserted farmhouse
I hope this isn't Daryl Dixon (the requisite, delicious, bad boy)
 The mysterious Michonne as she collapses on the wrong side of the fence
 "Nervous Nellie" the horse borrowed by Daryl to look for Sophia
 A walker or just passed out after a big night?
 Maggie driving the escape van
 Carnage, everywhere
 Weapons to re-kill the walkers 
Maybe I need a break from this show and should watch something light and fluffy.

What are you watching at the moment?

I am joining up for Wordless Wednesday with My Little Drummer Boys


  1. Ha this cracked me up!! I have to add this show to my list is it on normal tv?

    1. I have been watching it through Apple TV. I know it's on Foxtel but I am not sure about normal TV.

  2. Lol I've never watched it (!) so no idea what or who you're really talking about :) but goes to show that Lego fun isn't just for kids ;) x

  3. Yes, I like that interesting sequence.

  4. Replies
    1. It's a problem when I won't let the children play with it :)

  5. I don't watch the show, but this is hilarious. We have been watching Fringe, I can see that playing out in a lego scene, also.

    1. I haven't watched that yet. I have heard it's good.

  6. I haven't see or heard of the show, but enjoyed your lego take on it :) I shall have a look when I am next downloading ;)

  7. ha ha we all see different things from lego.
    visiting from WW, new liker would love for you to stop by and say hi!

  8. Hilarious! I have no idea what this show is but why would I need to watch it now when you've given such a tremendous synopsis!? Bahaha! So funny!

  9. The things that go inside your mind Rachel ... shakes head and smiles ...

  10. Massive walking dead fan here too! We just watched the mid-season finale (seriously, what is with that?!) last night and I really hope nothing bad happens to to my fave (won't mention his name in case you or others haven't seen it yet). Love that show so much.

    1. I am as far as I can order through iTunes. I hate waiting for new episodes.

  11. Too funny! I'm calling over-active imagination or lack of sleep here ;)

  12. Haha! This is so funny! I never watched this program.

  13. There is no escaping the Zombie Apocalypse! You are too funny, such a crack up!
    I'm not watching anything now that Supernatural has finished until next year. Kicking myself I missed the True Blood bandwagon. Did you see there is a True Blood Cookbook? I want it so bad, hope Santa brings it.

    1. I can't even imagine what they would put in that cookbook. My stomach turns at the thought of it

  14. Hahaha haven't watched that one, I'm loving Hart of Dixie at the moment.

    1. I have watched half of the first season, it's good. i'm not sure why I stopped watching it.

  15. Replies
    1. The heads are back on and they are back into their upright positions :)

  16. Rachel, you might need to step away from the screen and seek some help ha ha! Great story though, I might need to check this show out but my kids have a lot of Lego so i am very scared it could turn ugly!

  17. hahahaha I love The Walking Dead too! Here the new episode airs every Sunday night so my husband and I always make a point that we empty our schedule whatever it is on Sunday night to watch this. When we go outside, we HAVE TO come back before dark to watch these walkers take action lol!

  18. Ha ha I dont watch the show but I get the idea

  19. ha ha ha. To much TV maybe ;) I haven't seen it.

  20. Daryl's the best character on the show! I own a gun shop in NSW and we have so many "prepper's" coming in it's hilarious. All getting ready for the zombie apocalypse!

    1. I love Daryl. He is my favourite character too. I can't believe people are getting ready.

  21. hahaha! Have heard a lot about this show lately...

  22. Watching the show but only up to end of season 2. I am however up to Book 17 in the comics, which has the disturbing 100th issue (he set the forums into meltdown and perhaps went too's said he's lost a lot of readers in the process, but I guess that needs to be seen. I was really upset and it took me about 3 days to process it all. Irony being it's a fictional character....(given that he couldn't do what really happened to Dale in the tv show, there's no WAY this will make the show!)

    1. I didn't even know about the comic books. What rock have I been hiding under?

  23. Love Lego mania play !

    Thanks for linking up your fun images.
    Trish - My Little Drummer Boys
