Saturday, December 29, 2012

Vlogging (video blogging): Why you should and how to create a simple vlog for your blog

You might notice a few bloggers create the occasional vlog. I love watching these because it makes me feel like I know them a little better after hearing them and seeing them in motion. Earlier this year, I decided to bite the bullet and give it a go. I knew NOTHING and I was terrified. I have now made a few and have gotten over the stage fright but I am far from a skilled professional.
Why YOU should vlog
1. It gives your readers a chance to get to know you a little better;
2. It improves your google ranking;
3. It can save time when you are time poor;
4. You can reach a new audience using a new medium; and
5. Sometimes it's easier to say something than it is to write it.

Tools you need to get started
1. I started with just my iPad but many people just use their iPhone; and
2. I would strongly recommend an external microphone,  like this Belkin one. It improves the sound dramatically.
1. A quiet area that you won't get disturbed;
2. A neat background or backdrop. A messy room or grotty toilet might distract from your awesome message;
3. Check the lighting; and
4. An idea of what you are going to say. I prefer not to practice or be scripted but maybe have points or products ready. You will seem too stiff if it's over rehearsed.

1. Speak clearly and not too fast;
2. Pretend you are talking to your sister or a friend;
3. Keep it short. People are more likely to watch a shorter video;
4. Say hello and goodbye; and
5. I always brush my teeth beforehand. I am not sure why, but it works.

You made your video, now what?
1. Create a YouTube channel. For consistency I would recommend using the same name as your blog. Here's mine: Redcliffe Style;
2. Load your video. I usually load it onto my computer first then onto YouTube;
3. Name your vlog and complete necessary details; and
4. Share it.

I haven't gotten into the editing of videos, this isn't always necessary and is a longer tutorial.

Blogger makes it very easy to load your video from your Youtube channel directly into your post. I am sure Wordpress would have a similar way but I know squat about Wordpress.

Do you vlog? What tips can you share?

Vlog examples
This is my very first without an external microphone. You can tell the sound isn't very good and I'm pretty friggin' nervous. The original post is here.
External Microphone and a backdrop and getting use to the camera. The original post is here.


  1. You are so brave!!! Vlogging is uncharted territory for me but I might just have a go in 2013. Yay! Now I have a New Year's Resolution (that I actually might achieve)!

  2. I found you via the JustB blog school. I love you tips, you have been so helpful. Thanks.

  3. Gah! Trying to get my head back around the Vlog! Must be brave..... Soon. X

  4. Very interesting and helpful post. Thanks Rachel.

  5. I know I should and I will try and give or a go this year! Thanks for the tips x

  6. Great tips! :) I haven't created youtube videos for my blog, although I post a lot on my youtube channel I rarely use them in blog posts. I should consider vlogging! Thank you :)

    1. You would already be comfortable making them, Go for it!

  7. Great tips Rach!
    I'm dying to do my first VLOG, but I haven't worked up the courage yet. Soon though. I have some ideas. And thanks to you, I'll be brushing my teeth first :)

  8. I'm toying with this idea of vlogging...but you know what would be good?

    Makeup tips for vlogging for non make up wearers!

    I don't wear makeup but if I decide to vlog I also don't want people distracted by the giant bags under my eyes - so quick, easy & cheap 'touch up' tips would be invaluable.

    1. I have started a few makeup ones - I should start posting them :)

    2. Great minds... :)
