Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bowls Fundraiser

This weekend I was invited to attend the "Bowls for Boobs" fundraiser at the Bramble Bay Bowls club. I am so glad I accepted the invitation because this was a great way to spend the afternoon. Lovely ladies, perfect weather, wonderful cause.

This was to raise money for local lady, Kelli Rushton and her family. Kelli has been fighting breast cancer and has three young children attending Grace Lutheran Primary School (grades prep, one and two). Kellie has now finished her treatment and I pray she will remain cancer free. In the meantime, this has been a tough year for her, her husband and children. So many people generously donated time, money or prizes. A few important mentions are Neli Coffee, Feel Goodz, Rustic Olive, Bio Point, Bramble Bay Bowls Club, Maree Carter organised generous Sony prizes valued over $500, Jackie Hancock, Julie Smullen, Wendy Stack and Annette Kropp for all their time and effort.

It is not too late to help Kelli and her family. The account to donate is still open and every little bit will help. The account details are:

Kelli Maree Rushton
BSB 014 228
Acc 277998475


  1. Thank you Rachel for the great photos. I didn't realise you had this great blog, all about our fantastic Peninsula! What a great day the B4B event was!

  2. Thanks Annette. It was a fantastic afternoon. It's nice to know there are so many kind people around. Congratulations on the event, you did a wonderful job and I hope you reached your goals.
